Vampire Survivors Update 0.3.1 Patch Notes – Official
Vampire Survivors Update 0.3.1 Patch Notes – Official
A new Vampire Survivors update 0.3.1 is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Vampire Survivors patch notes, the latest update added 4 new achievements, various tweaks, and bug fixes.
Previously, a major update was released that added a new game mechanic and a new Stage, complete with a new layout and enemies.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several bugs with the game. Today’s Vampire Survivors patch 0.3.1 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.
What is new in Vampire Survivors 0.3.1?
4 New Achievements
Added a Bonus stage.
Added a new weapon evolution.
A new character added.
Adde an extra rank for the Skip power-up.
Reduced cost of the Skip power-up.
Treasure chests are now visible on the map.
Bug Fixes
Changes to cooldown don’t reset weapon firing timers anymore
Special stage pickups are now immune to bad/purple Pentagram, but now Pentagram also correctly erases all other on-screen pickups
Tentative fix for King Bible/Unholy Vespers not making a full circle
Tentative fix for UI elements overlapping when pickipng up a stage item at the same time as leveling up or pausing the game
Download free Vampire Survivors patch 0.3.1 on Steam.