The Binding of Isaac Rebirth update 1.7.6 (Nov 17, 2021) is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the Binding of Isaac Rebirth patch notes, the latest update added gameplay changes, bug fixes, stability, and performance improvements.
Previously, a big update added various quality of life fixes and improvements.
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s The Binding of Isaac Rebirth patch 1.7.6 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth Patch Notes (Official) – November 17, 2021
Gameplay changes
- Reduced the cooldown of Placebo with stat upgrades, Pretty Fly and Experimental Pill
- The Lost’s hearts are now hidden again (Holy Mantle indicator is still visible)
- Enemies are no longer guaranteed to drop coins when encountered in a previously visited room as Tainted Keeper
- Glyph of Balance no longer drops soul hearts when playing as the Lost
- Glyph of Balance can now drop soul hearts, red hearts and poop pickups as Bethany, Tainted Bethany and Tainted ??? if they need any
- Esau Jr. now preserves quest items (such as the Polaroid and the Negative)
- Added Red Stew to the Ultra Secret Room pool
- Added even more new room layouts
- Updated a few item qualities
- Updated localization files
- Addressed The Marathon achievement not usually unlocking (dailies completed before this update may not count)
- Addressed the daily exit confirmation popup not rendering correctly in the Chinese translation
- Addressed the Continue option becoming unavailable when switching languages while mods are enabled
- Addressed Tainted Judas’ birthright not working as intended
- Addressed Tainted Cain being able to take fatal devil deals without dying (again)
- Addressed Tainted Cain not being able to pick up items normally in the Death Certificate area
- Addressed victory lap popup displaying the wrong message
- Addressed the victory lap HUD icon clipping into the stat display
- Addressed lava pits not refreshing properly if the game window was resized
20/20 now decreases the damage given by Polyphemus similarly to other tear multipliers (this is still very strong since it cancels the firerate decrease from Polyphemus)
- Addressed 20/20 not increasing Keeper and Tainted Keeper’s firerate
- Addressed Tainted Keeper getting less coins than intended from enemies in Greed mode
- Addressed Telescope Lens and Door Stop appearing in Greed mode
- Addressed Butter! having a 100% chance to drop passive items on damage taken
- Addressed Butter! being able to drop active items on damage taken
- Red chests can no longer teleport the player to the Devil/Angel room while in the Genesis room
- Addressed Dark Esau not blocking enemy projectiles when not charging
- Addressed Dark Esau preventing white champion enemies from losing their invulnerability
- Addressed Esau Jr. removing Dark Esau when used as Tainted Jacob
- Addressed Tainted Lazarus’ charge bar being visible in water reflections
- Addressed Tainted Lilith’s birthright preventing her from opening the flesh door in Mausoleum II
- Addressed Dogma (item) giving hearts every time it is dropped and picked back up
- Addressed Mom’s Ring spawning a rune every time it is dropped and picked back up
- Addressed Magic Mushroom and Leo granting the Stompy! transformation when repeatedly dropped and picked back up
- Addressed a Dross room that could have the right side entrance blocked by rocks
- Addressed a Depths room that could have Brains behind rocks
- Addressed a Cathedral room that could have Polties appear on top of entrances
- Addressed a Flooded Caves boss wave in Greed mode sometimes causing a crash
- Addressed a crash caused by an “I’m Excited!” pill activating in a room with rain effects
- Addressed Expansion Pack rarely preventing the player from attacking
- Addressed not being able to go to Sheol after having used Genesis
- Addressed Genesis turning other characters into Isaac after having used Esau Jr
- Addressed ultra secret rooms very rarely generating in impossible locations, causing a softlock when teleported to via the Moon? card
- Addressed white fire rooms in Downpour and special button rooms in the Mines rarely generating connected to special rooms
- Addressed Decap Attack causing the head to hover endlessly over the player’s body if recalled before the head hits the ground
- Addressed Trisagion lasers getting stuck when spawned by item interactions that create large amounts of tears
- Addressed a rare freeze caused by Trisagion + Continuum
- Addressed C Section synergies with melee weapons creating more fetuses (causing loops/crashes)
- Addressed a crash caused by picking up Strawman after Money = Power
- Addressed Shiny Rock not doing anything
Addressed Dice Bag causing the Whore of Babylon popup to appear whenever it gives a temporary dice item if the player has Whore of Babylon and is at low health
- Addressed Panic Button triggering on white fires
- Addressed quest items being disabled when the player carrying them dies in co-op
- Addressed Best Friend + Brimstone Bombs damaging the player
- Addressed C Section + Technology sometimes causing self damage when fired by familiars (such as Incubus and Twisted Pair)
- Addressed Dr. Fetus/Epic Fetus + poison effects spawning harmful poison clouds when fired by familiars
- Addressed the light emanating from Dogma’s TV not rendering correctly
Modding Changes
– Fixed TemporaryEffects:RemoveCollectibleEffect, TemporaryEffects:RemoveTrinketEffect and TemporaryEffects:RemoveNullEffect throwing an error when called
– Fixed custom character specific starting room controls crashing the game
– Fixed incorrect spelling on Level:MakeRedRoomDoor
– Fixed a crash caused by reloading modded rooms using the Glowing Hourglass
– Modded rooms will now be assigned a unique variant when loaded if their variant conflicts with an existing room, this prevents some strange behavior with Glowing Hourglass or when resuming a saved run
– Added RoomDescriptor.DISPLAY_* enum intended for use with the RoomDescriptor.DisplayFlags property
– Added RoomDescriptor.Flags
* Supported flags can be found in the RoomDescriptor.FLAG_* enum
– Added a new Options namespace with the following properties:
* float MusicVolume (0-1)
* float SFXVolume (0-1)
* float MapOpacity (0-1)
* boolean Fullscreen
* boolean Filter
* float Gamma (0.5-1.5)
* boolean DisplayPopups
* int CameraStyle (active cam 1: on, 2: off)
* int ExtraHUDStyle (0: off, 1: on, 2: mini)
* float HUDOffset (0-1)
* boolean FoundHUD
* boolean RumbleEnabled
* boolean ChargeBars
* boolean BulletVisibility
* boolean VSync
* boolean PauseOnFocusLost
* boolean MouseControl
* int AnnouncerVoiceMode (0: random, 1: off, 2: always on)
* int MaxScale (1-99)
* int MaxRenderScale (1-99)
* int ConsoleFont (0: default, 1: small, 2: tiny)
* boolean FadedConsoleDisplay
* boolean SaveCommandHistory
* boolean UseBorderlessFullscreen (only takes effect if Fullscreen is also true)
* boolean DebugConsoleEnabled
* string Language (read only)
#Binding #Isaac #Rebirth #Update #Patch #Notes