A new Coromon update 1.0.20 released on PC(Steam). According to the official Coromon patch notes, the latest update contains a lot of battle fixes and reduces the amount of RNG from skills and conditions.
Recently, a minor hotfix was also released with changes and fixes. Unfortunately, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Coromon patch 1.0.20 will fix a few of these issues.
Read the full details below.
Coromon Patch 1.0.20 Notes – Official
Fixed issues
Fixed a number of typposs in multiple languages
The Purrgy no longer lingers right before Illuginn
Fixed a number of milestones unlocking in online battles
Fixed a softlock when Vørst would freeze a Coromon holding a Crany Fruit
Fixed the gem buyer not taking all gems at once
The Scan Module blink now always appears on the highest layer
Players can no longer walk through the Trainer Hub tiles in Alavi
Agility Training now raises 1 stage as intended
Withdraw now raises 1 stage as intended
Players can no longer interact with trainers while in a minecart
Skills that require a charge now correctly retarget if the opponent switches out
Zen Cure now cures a percentage of 15 instead of a flat rate of 15
Ghastly Nap now targets the enemy team instead of a single target
Fixed floor switches in the Pyramid of Sart when the player got hit while a wall was moving
Bren can no longer eat cakes
When Bren is Potentiflated to a higher Potential category and evolves, the correct database entry is unlocked
LuxLure no longer cancels background music
Changed the “Always Run” setting to “Always Sprint” to prevent confusion
Fixed Thorbjorn from walking into the player when giving him carrots from the tile north-east of the snowman
Added (skippable) credits after game completion, and made them available in the settings menu once the game is completed
The game now saves after editing an online Squad
XP earned is now shown in a single overview instead of for each Coromon individually
Added additional hotkeys:
1-3 = Use bound Item
4 = Use bound Trait
Numpad 1-6 = Select specific Gauntlet Module
Numpad +/- = Next or previous Gauntlet Module
The available Coromon overview in the world map now shows 2 rows of Coromon
Precision Punch has a 50% chance to raise crit chance instead of 100%.
OHKO skills no longer benefit from type proficiency bonus.
We disabled the ‘Any’ preference for Casual Custom battles in CoroNet for now, until this works as intended in our backend
Cat Scratch is now a Ghost type skill
Dark Magic type now has its own type icon
Vørst now removes buffs from the player’s Coromon once he regains his fighting spirit, and prevents the first hit on him from doing more than 10% damage.
Chalchiu now has a seconds phase where she removes her stat nerfs and status inflictions
A sound is now played when an opponent is found on CoroNet
Less Coromon can learn the Dirty Snow Skill Flash
Transcending skill now resets after any move, instead of just after skills
Fruits which increase Skill damage now do 1.5x damage instead of 2x
Prepared Trait now shows an indicator when it triggers
Wet Coat Trait now shows an indicator when it triggers
Some Traits now trigger when entering the battle instead of the start of a round.
Ball of Darkness now has 25% chance of increasing Sp.Attack instead of 50%
Heatwave now also prevents and removes freeze condition
Sandstorm now raises Accuracy and Crit chance (instead of Accuracy and Evasion) for sand Coromon, and no longer lowers stats for non-sand Coromon
Snow weather no longer randomly freezes in online battles
Sleep now has a 40% chance to last 1 round, 40% chance to last 2 rounds, and 20% to last 3 rounds
Freeze lasts 2 rounds, instead of at most 5
Hazy lasts 4 rounds, instead of 3 – 5
Splash Spinner can now be bought in Alavi
Platinum Spinners can be bought after reaching Ixqun
Dream / Trick / Heal Spinners can be bought after reaching Darudic
Stinky Disc and Fear Disc can be bought from shops after reaching Pawbury
Smart Gem can be bought from shops after reaching Vlamma
Lazy Gem can be bought from shops after reaching Alavi