The Planet Zoo update 1.7 (July 27, 2021) is now rolling out on PC. According to the official The Planet Zoo patch notes, the latest update introduces several new and exciting features to enhance your gameplay experience. Apart from this, the Planet Zoo patch 1.7 also includes a couple of new Mapping Tools, giving you the ability to create custom heightmaps to alter your starting terrain, and also adding in a range of premade Terrain Type maps for players to use as a base – no more starting with a flat canvas (unless you want to!).
Previously, a major update added the Custom Audio Speakers, allowing you to adjust what multiple speakers within your Zoo play, and create the perfect audio-scape for your Guests. Recently, a hotfix was also released.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s The Planet Zoo patch 1.7.0 will address a few of these errors.
The Planet Zoo Patch 1.7.0 Notes – Oct 4, 2021
This update contains many more bug fixes, updates and some new content.
New Content – Planet Zoo: North America Animal Pack
- NEW – Animals
- New animals in the Planet Zoo: North America Animal Pack
- American Alligator
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog
- California Sea Lion
- Cougar
- Moose
- North American Beaver
- American Bullfrog
- The following new toy enrichment items are included with the Planet Zoo: North America Pack:
- Beaver Pool, available for:
- North American Beaver, with new animations progressing the state of the enrichment with each interaction
- African Elephant (juvenile only), with the Water Pool enrichment animations
- Dingo, with the Water Pool enrichment animations
- Dhole, with the Water Pool enrichment animations
- Indian Elephant (juvenile only), with the Water Pool enrichment animations
- Sun Bear, with the Water Pool enrichment animations
- Beaver Pool, available for:
- The following new food enrichment items are included with the Planet Zoo: North America Animal Pack:
- Skittle Feeder
- Arctic Fox
- African Wild Dog
- Dhole
- Fennec Fox
- Piñata Pronghorn
- Arctic Fox
- Cougar
- African Wild Dog
- Arctic Wolf
- Bengal Tiger
- Cheetah
- Clouded Leopard
- Dhole
- Dingo
- Jaguar
- Siberian Tiger
- Snow Leopard
- Spotted Hyena
- Timber Wolf
- West African Lion
- Melon Feeder, available for:
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog
- Moose
- North American Beaver
- Southern White Rhinoceros
- Indian Rhinoceros
- Reindeer
- Hippopotamus
- Pygmy Hippo
- Skittle Feeder
- New animals in the Planet Zoo: North America Animal Pack
- NEW – Timed Scenario
- Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this newly developed attraction aims to educate its visitors while providing its animals large, naturalistic habitats… At least that’s what the brochure said before the owners ran out of money! Pick up where the previous owners left off and complete this watery paradise in this brand new timed scenario!
- NEW – Avatar Costume
- New Beaver avatar costume
New Content – Free Update 1.7
- NEW – Animals The following new food enrichment item is included in the free Update 1.7:
- Underwater Herbivore Feeder, available for:
- NEW – Big Cats Deep Swimming Behaviours
- Deep Swimming behaviours have been added to the following Big Cats. All of these Big Cats are also able to use the Underwater Box Feeder. This change is available for all users who own the animal’s respective game content:
- Bengal Tiger (Base Game – free for everyone)
- Siberian Tiger (Base Game – free for everyone)
- Jaguar (Requires South America Pack)
- Deep Swimming behaviours have been added to the following Big Cats. All of these Big Cats are also able to use the Underwater Box Feeder. This change is available for all users who own the animal’s respective game content:
- NEW – Animal Talk Seating
- New Animal Talk Seating can be placed in your zoo.
- Found in the Facilities browser, these can be linked to Animal Talk Points to expand the guest capacity of your animal talks
- Animal Talk Seating is a path extra that can be placed on paths or plazas
- Animal Talk Seating must be within a set radius of the talk point in order to be linked
- Additional UI has been added to Animal Talk Points for the following:
- Guest Capacity showing the number of available positions for guests at a talk point
- Link Seating UI to allow you to link Talk Seating to the Talk Point
- NEW – Sculpted Terrain Toggle option
- Each starting map now has a new Sculpted Terrain variant for the following biomes:
- Desert
- Grassland
- Tropical
- Temperate
- Taiga
- Tundra
- Tropical x South America (new location for old Tropical South America map)
- Desert x Oceania
- Terrain type can be selected from the new drop down once a continent and biome has been selected
- This feature works with Sandbox, Challenge, and Franchise
- Each starting map now has a new Sculpted Terrain variant for the following biomes:
- NEW – Terrain Height Maps
- Starting terrain can now be generated from .tif heightmap data
- Example heightmaps can be found in SteamsteamappscommonPlanet ZooProvidedHeightmaps
- Heightmaps must be 1024×1024 and in the .tif format
- Custom heightmaps should be saved to DocumentsFrontier DevelopmentsPlanet ZooUserHeightmaps
- NEW – Guest Barriers
- New guest barriers have been added to Planet Zoo.
- Guest Barrier Metal and Ribbon will block staff and guests when used on a path
- Guest Barrier Kerb will still allow guests and staff to pass through, but they will try and avoid doing so where possible
- New Barriers are:
- Guest Barrier Metal
- Guest Barrier Sign 01 and Guest Barrier Sign 02 (to go with Guest Barrier Metal)
- Guest Barrier Ribbon (1m, 2m and 4m)
- Guest Barrier Kerb (1m, 2m and 4m)
- NEW – Reduced Swimming Depth Requirements for the following animals
- After investigating and observing the performance of diving animals, we have made the following changes to depth requirements:
- The following animals have a minimum depth requirement of 2m:
- Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman
- Giant Otter
- King Penguin
- African Penguin
- North American Beaver
- The following animals have a minimum depth requirement of 3m:
- Gharial
- Saltwater Crocodile
- Grey Seal
- American Alligator
- California Sea Lion
- The following animals have a minimum depth requirement of 4m:
- Formosan Black Bear
- Grizzly Bear
- Polar Bear
- Sun Bear
- Bengal Tiger
- Siberian Tiger
- Jaguar
- The following animals have a minimum depth requirement of 2m:
- Please Note: We have chosen the above values while considering both recommended water depth for the species as well as the actual performances of the animals in the diving system when subjected to more shallow depths. We’ve chosen the lowest depth values for each animal where we are confident the diving system will still work properly.
- After investigating and observing the performance of diving animals, we have made the following changes to depth requirements:
- NEW – Zoopedia Filter Options
- We have expanded the Zoopedia search bar with a set of filters to make it easier to search for species based on the following categories:
- Biome (Tundra, Taiga, Grassland, Temperate, Desert, Tropical, Aquatic)
- Type (Habitat, Exhibit)
- Continent (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania)
- Conservation Status (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened, Least Concern, Domesticated, Data Deficient)
- The Zoopedia list will be filtered by your selected criteria, showing only species that match at least one selection per category.
- We have expanded the Zoopedia search bar with a set of filters to make it easier to search for species based on the following categories:
- NEW – Foliage
- New branch items based on the White Birch Tree
- White Birch Branch 01
- White Birch Branch 02
- White Birch Branch 03
- White Birch Branch 04
- White Birch Branch 05
- White Birch Branch 06
- White Birch Branch 07
- New branch items based on the White Birch Tree
- NEW – Scenery
- Items for Animal Talk Seating Areas:
- Animal Talk Seating
- Animal Talk Seating Railing Stairs
- Animal Talk Seating Railing Straight
- Items for Animal Talk Seating Areas:
General Bug Addressed and Improvements
- Animals
- Updated the conservation status of the following animals:
- Komodo Dragon (VU to EN)
- Nile Monitor (DD to LC)
- Yellow Anaconda (DD to LC)
- Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard (DD to LC)
- Reassessed and updated biomes for the following animals:
- American Bison, now has suitability for Taiga
- Pronghorn Antelope, now has suitability for Desert
- Addressed the species names for:
- African Elephant, now African Savannah Elephant
- Babirusa, now North Sulawesi Babirusa
- Additionally, Addressed the scientific name of Bactrian Camel and North Sulawesi Babirusa on education board and Zoopedia resources
- Red Kangaroos are now a walkthrough species
- Addressed the Gharial tails so they no longer pop and deform when near terrain whilst deep swimming
- Fixed Sun Bears rotating when performing a Climb to Walk action on a vertical thick beam
- Updated the conservation status of the following animals:
- Scenery
- Addressed the Tropical Rock Cladding objects thumbnails being incorrectly orientated in UI
- Addressed issue where the New World Decorative Lights Bracket were incorrectly tagged as Flexicolour
- Addressed the issue where the One Way Glass Panels would block the view of animals to the guests, much like a standard wall piece
- Addressed Giraffe reward statue to include missing geometry that made it inconsistent with the base creature
- Expanded the continents associated with the Bramble Bush with North America, South America and Asia
- Expanded the continents associated with the Rainbow Eucalyptus with Australia
- Addressed graphical issues pop with the Scots Pine and Tamarind scratching tree enrichments
- Addressed the front left leg of Male Dhole clipping through its body when in dying on rough terrain
- Addressed litter spawning inside multiple types of benches
- Addressed an issue where the North African Bin cannot be snapped to the North African Bench
- Addressed cardboard box enrichment item appearing invisible after resetting
- Addressed Planet Zoo Hanging Lamps appearing too dark. Assets affected:
- Planet Zoo Hanging Lamp 01 / CZ_HangingLamp_01
- Planet Zoo Hanging Lamp 02 / CZ_HangingLamp_02
- Planet Zoo Hanging Lamp 03 / CZ_HangingLamp_03
- Aquatic Wall Light 02 / SW_PathExtras_WallLight_02
- Addressed issue where TV and projection screens would cause lighting issues if placed at specific parts of the map
- All Projection Screens Lit (32m, 16m, 8m, 4m, 1x1m, 2x2m, 4x4m),
- All TV Screens (4m, 2m, 1m).
- Addressed missing flexicolour tags on Food Trough, Food Bowl and Water Pipe items
- Staff
- Addressed rare issue where staff get stuck and refuse to enter staff buildings
- Game Modes
- Sandbox
- Added an ‘Enable Staff Fleeing’ option to sandbox settings
- Sandbox
- UI
- Main Browser
- Added Random scenery rotation option to the scenery brush panel next to the object browser. Turning this on will randomise the rotation of a selected object each time it is placed
- Management
- Added an option to Quick Trade animals to the Animal Management, which was previously only possible from the animal market
- Similar to releasing animals to the wild, simply multiselect the animals that should be sold and click the Quick Trade button in the Animal Management
- A popup will inform on the selected animals’ value, potential conditions preventing sale of any individuals, and request a confirmation to finalise the transaction
- Animals in storage now display their source zoo, rather than the zoo they were most recently in
- Added an option to Quick Trade animals to the Animal Management, which was previously only possible from the animal market
- Zoopedia
- Added more shortcuts to the Zoopedia, making it easier to check and purchase new animals
- Added a shortcut from the Zoopedia to the animal or exhibit animal market, with an active filter for the species
- Added a shortcut from the Zoopedia to the animal management, with an active filter for the species
- Added a space calculator to the Natural Habitat section of the Zoopedia to calculate minimum habitat requirements for a custom population of a species
- Adjusted the Zoopedia map to the correct distribution of North Sulawesi Babirusa
- Addressed an issue where the Underwater Box Feeder and Forage Wall always displayed as locked on Challenge and Franchise mode
- Addressed the King Penguin Zoopedia image having its head cropped
- Addressed Blurred/Blend lines on Fennec Fox Zoopedia page image
- Added more shortcuts to the Zoopedia, making it easier to check and purchase new animals
- Help Topics
- Added new help topics for the following:
- Adjusted help topics for the following topics:
- Animal Talks, to include information on Animal Talk Seating
- Placement Controls, to include a shortcut for random rotation toggle
- Misc
- Addressed Animal Research UI showing no research has been done on it’s related Animal if they’re all removed from the Zoo, despite having done research
- Vet thoughts about serious injuries now reference the habitat name instead of the animal name
- Addressed Llama mate missing from the animal info panel after relaunching the game
- List of Active Tags is cleared when browser is re-opened
- Addressed heatmap white world effect not covering the whole window at some window resolutions
- Added the coat/fur colouration information to the new animal menu genetics tool tip
- Addressed the same thumbnail icons being displayed for two different Night Vision filters
- Addressed tooltips in habitat info panel not properly describing available food and water
- Addressed Staff Info Panel still displaying pros/cons of next training level when at max training level
- Addressed Natural Selection achievement not triggering
- Addressed Icon of Vista Point does not match depiction on construction browser icon
- Alerts about multiple habitat or exhibit problems can now be dismissed
- Main Browser
- Audio
- Addressed Female Southern White Rhinoceros making no sound during fights
- Addressed Sun Bear not making any sounds when killed by a predator
- Addressed Babirusa fight interaction not having sound
- Addressed Binturong mating ritual using Sun Bear audio instead of its own audio assets
- Addressed missing audio for Habitat Web Camera and Security Camera when turning or switching between cameras
- Stability
- Performance
- General performance fixes
- Animals
Download free The Planet Zoo update 1.7 for PC.
#Planet #Zoo #Update #Patch #Notes #North #America #Animal #Pack