A new Rust update 1.56 is available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Rust Console 1.56 patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Rust patch 1.56 also includes performance fixes.
Previously, a major Rust Halloween update 1.54 added a new event, changes and improvements. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Rust PS4 update 1.56 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Rust Console Update 1.56 Patch Notes – November 24, 2022
- Partial fix for invalid projectiles.
- Improved Junkile Scientist AI behaviour so their aggro rate and range is more comparable to Steam release.
- Fixed an issue causing Junkpile scientists to spawn in Safe Zones.
- Fixed despawn rates for Junkpiles so players can loot them after Scientists die.
- Fixed an issue stopping the Scientists aim animation to play when shooting.
- Fixed an issue stopping the Scientists crouch animation from being played.
- Fixed a bug with Scientists so they now turn on their flashlights after switching to their weapon at night.
- Reduced intensity of red light seen on Scientist weapons.
- Fixed Supply Signals disappearing when using the alternate throw action.
- Fixed a bug causing Pumpkins to duplicate when splitting stacks in the Inventory.
- Fixed a bug with Triangle Floor collision that interfered with base building.
- Added missing collision to 40mm Smoke Grenade.
- Fixed an issue which prevented players from swapping a weapon’s attachments while your inventory/hotbar is full.
- Fixed a bug that caused different body parts to go invisible at short distances.
- Fixed transparency of placement/building projections.
- Fixed a bug that let more than one player use a deployable Repair Bench at a time.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to loot dead bodies through walls.
- Fixed a bug with the 40mm Smoke Grenade that caused unnatural smoke and lighting effects.
- Fixed an issue that prevented stackable items from containers not merging with inventory items when there are no free slots in the inventory.
- Fixed the indicator lights on Code Lock and Recyclers to correctly display the current status.
- Fixed a bug that prevented resource nodes from sparkling at night when a light is shone on them.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Smoke Grenade to activate underwater.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to use the sleeping bag assignment to find a players base, this now includes all online players.
- Added collision to the Engine Block at the Trainyard.
- Fixed a bug that caused Oil Rig and Cargo Ship scientists to float above the ocean.
- Added missing collision to Spotlight in Sewer monument puzzle.
- Fixed Heavy Scientists idling at the top of the Helipad at the Oil Rig monument.
- Fixed noticeable SLOD pop-ins when approaching the Large Oil Rig.
- Fixed Scientist patrol path on the Oil Rig so they don’t get stuck at the smokestack.
- Fixed the lights at the Fishing Village being visible during the day.
- Fixed multiple instances of Z-fighting around the exterior walls of the Oil Rig.
- Fixed a bug with a container in the Quarries that would accept items but show them as invisible or as a Burlap Shirt.
- Fixed a walkway in the Dome where players were getting stuck.
- Fixed the stairs connecting the larger Bandit Camp buildings so players don’t teleport.
- Fixed various cases of the Loud audio pop when using the rowboat/rhib causing all sounds to disappear.
- Fixed in-game music issues with the volume option not working correctly.
- Added a missing reload sound when firing the Pump Shotgun.
- Fixed a bug that prevented ‘Give’ button from working correctly when trading with a Metal Shopfront if one side was full.
- Fixed issues with Ping settings on the HUD options menu. Added in localisations for text description and setting the Defaults will now update the Ping settings.
- Fixed issues with the ‘Take All’ button so it works even if the hotbar is full and takes all items rather than just a portion or nothing at all.
- Fixed display name of Scientist names on the Death Screen UI.
- Fixed an exploit for Code Locks which allowed people to guess codes.
- Fixed a bug which allowed the pickup prompt to show when a container has items.
- Fixed alignment issues in the Locker UI buttons to prevent overlap in some languages.
- Fixed incorrect description for Brightness in the Graphics Options menu.
- Fixed broken Gestures and Crafting radial menus.
- Fixed an issue with crash site and debris field icons persisting on map UI after they have been looted.
- The map icon for the Locked Crate now disappears when the crate has been looted, or when it despawns.
- Fixed a bug that could cause auto equip to replace the active hot bar item when R2/RT is pressed.
- Fixed issues with the ‘Take All’ button so it works even if the hotbar is full and takes all items rather than just a portion or nothing at all.
- Changed display for upkeep time of High Quality Metal so it’s consistent between the Tool Cupboard and HUD.
- Fixed a bug causing the Vending Machine icon to persist on the map when broadcasting is turned off.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting an empty category in a Vending Machine.
- Fixed a bug in the Skin Store and Locker RC purchase screen that meant the balance would only update after restarting the game.
- Fixed a loading phase hang on Refreshing dynamic décor that could occur after logging out of the server while being on the front part of the Cargo Ship.
- Fixed a bug causing wooden texture to appear on Sheet Metal world models.
Download free Rust version 1.56 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
#Rust #Update #Patch #Notes #PS4 #Xbox