GTFO update 7.0 is rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official GTFO patch notes, the latest update addressed sound and expedition bugs
Previously, a big update added three new expeditions in The Complex – BX, CX, and DX. This brings the total expeditions in this rundown to 13, which makes it one of the most packed rundowns to date.
Unfortunately, players are still facing several issues. GTFO patch 7 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.
GTFO Update Patch Notes – November 2, 2022
- The Next Vanity Unlock window now sorts by showing the next nearest reward
- Reduced number of flying enemies to intended value on R7B1
- Removed shadow enemies from R7C2
- Fixed bug where bulkhead keys could have the same name
- Fixed bug where security doors in R7E1 unlocked before they were intended
- Fixed bug where the session seed did not change in specific scenarios
- Fixed bug where the sound gets muffled if the player has the map open when the expedition ends
- Fixed bug where the scout scream deafen effect persisted if the player fails the expedition while the effect is playing
- Fixed bug where using the scroll bar on the apparel menu makes the model rotate instead
- Fixed bug where the weak doors audio was not panning
- Fixed various exceptions
Download free GTFO patch on PC (Steam).
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