Genshin Impact update 3.21 is available to download on PS4(3.20), PC and PS5. According to the official Genshin Impact 3.21 patch notes, the latest update added various gameplay changes to the game. Apart from this, Genshin Impact patch 3.21 also includes various tweaks.

Previously, a big update added new island adventures, rich stories, and exquisite outfits Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing problems when trying to play the game. Todays Genshin Impact version 3.21 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

What is Genshin Impact 3.21 Download Size?

Genshin Impact Version 3.21 download size is around 2.01GB.

Genshin Impact Update 3.3 Release Time?

Genshin Impact update 3.3 will be available on 2022/12/02 06:00:00 (UTC+8) after a 5 hours of maintenance.

Genshin Impact 3.21 patch notes – November 3, 2022

1. Addressed a bug where characters might float abnormally when climbing.

2. Addressed a bug where abnormal brightness changes.

3. Addressed a bug where environment models were displayed abnormally.

4. Addressed a bug where abnormal collision size in some environments.

5. Fixes incorrect descriptions of some Fishing Points in The Chasm: Underground Mines.

6. Addressed a bug where abnormal color display in some features (such as meteorites summoned by the Geo Travelers Elemental Skill, Paimons cloak, Elemental Sight, etc.) in areas affected by The Withering.

7. Addressed a bug where under certain circumstances whereby the NPC Aranakula could follow the character abnormally.

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