Predator Hunting Grounds update 2.30 patch notes released for PS4 players. According to the official Predator 2.30 patch notes, the latest hotfix resolves issues related to crashes, the Backwater infil selection, lag, and more. Apart from this, Predator version 2.30 also includes stability improvements.

Previously, a major update added a new DLC with a new playable Predator – Exiled to the game

Unfortunately, players are still facing performance issues. Today’s Predator Hunting Grounds version 2.30 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Predator Hunting Grounds 2.30 Patch Notes – November 17, 2021


  • Fixed several issues causing crashes
  • Made optimizations related to players loading into match lobbies
  • Fixed an issue where the Backwater infil selection was not working properly
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Helicopter would not disappear after the infil sequence
  • Fixed an issue where Playstation Player avatars were not consistently being displayed


  • General
    • Fixed an issue where the Predator’s cloak was not always working properly
  • Classes
    • Valkyrie
      • Fixed an issue where the Valkyrie Predator stats were being displayed incorrectly
      • Fixed an issue where the Valkyrie Predator had too many perk points

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