Pathfinder WOTR update 1.07 is available on PS4. According to the official Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous patch notes, the latest update addressed various tweaks and changes. Apart from this, Pathfinder WOTR version 1.07 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, a major Pathfinder update 1.3.0 added numerous tweaks and fixes. Unfortunately, some players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Pathfinder WOTR patch 1.07 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Pathfinder WOTR Patch 1.07 Notes – November 24, 2022


  • Enemies no longer see and target you through doors and walls;
  • Fixed the issue with the save window freezing if you press the save button too quickly;
  • Fixed the issue with the return of the fog of war area on some maps;


  • Fixed some bugs that caused the game to freeze during lockpicking;
  • Fixed the issue when you couldn’t change the name of Commander Court playing Azata mythic path;
  • When you click on characters with the console cursor, the quick action bar will now correctly update to the skills of the corresponding character;


  • Now you can find all of the Pulura’s daggers.

Download free Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous update 1.07 on PS4.

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