A new Mortal Online 2 update is now available to download. According to the official Mortal Online 2 game patch notes, the latest update added various gameplay changes and bug fixes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Mortal Online 2 patch will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Mortal Online 2 March 16 Update Patch Notes
You may now turn criminal for pushing innocent players too much, and you will receive a warning before turning criminal.
Aggressive Stance no longer gives you a damage bonus while attacking buildables if you are unarmed.
Guild invites are now listed in the social menu instead of appearing as pop-ups.
You will now burn Murdercounts while offline, but 6 times slower than being online.
Changed Bet Huergar priests to Tindremene.
Time needed when getting kicked/leaving a guild reduced from 1h to 1min.
Updated localization.
Updated server netcode to increase the number of players who can be in a single area and on a single server.
Fixed bug that would cause the player velocity to continuously increase while sliding and being stuck. This would give the player a lot of fall damage after getting unstuck.
Fixed clade gift XP not being distributed relative to the damage done by each player.
Casting corrupt on yourself no longer sends spell message twice.
Fixed bug where alvarin sight could be used while mounted.
Fixed bug where buff icons could become misplaced.
Fixed bug where crosshair was set to wrong position after aiming with archery and swapping weapons.
Slightly increased silent stun timer after mounting/dismounting.
Fixed UI bug where the ‘drag items here’ widget would be highlighted when not dragging any items.
Fixed some Troll spawn locations that could get the Troll stuck.
Fixed Steppe Rush gathering.
You will no longer be considered AFK when fishing.
Fixed a lot of landscape issues.
Fixed a lot of reported stuck locations.
Leaving a guild now wipes guild member entries.
Fixed rivers with misaligned swimming volumes.
Updated NavMesh in White Bear Cave.
Return button in mail is now only visible when the mail does not belong to you.