Hunt Showdown Update 1.50 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox
Hunt Showdown Update 1.50 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox
Hunt Showdown update 1.50 for PS4 and Xbox One is now available to download. According to the official Hunt Showdown 1.50 patch notes, the latest hotfix brings a fix for the Turning extra strength issue. Apart from this, today’s Hunt Showdown version 1.50 also includes performance improvements.
Previously, a major update 1.8 added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes.
Unfortunately, players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Hunt Showdown console update 1.50 will fix a few of these issues.
Hunt Showdown Patch 1.50 Notes – Official
Addressed an issue that prevented hunters from being able to sprint or crouch after being revived after a reconnect.
Fixed an issue that caused the Y-Axis for controllers to not be affected by the “Turning Extra Strength” settings.
Addressed a bug where bundles were displaying a different price and discount amount that what was intended.
Fixed an issue that caused hunters to spin when opening the map while moving the mouse to the left.
Fixed a bug that caused active boosts to show as 0% while in the match.
Addressed a bug that caused the lobby event audio not play correctly.
Fixed a crash that could occur when entering the bundle page when an expired bundle was still visible.
Addressed a bug that caused the Orwellian effigies that drop from the boss to fall through objects.
Download free Hunt Showdown update 1.50 on PlayStation 4, Xbox and PC (Steam).