Destiny 2 Update 2.44 Patch Notes (1.039) – Official
A new Destiny 2 update 2.44 (1.039.000) released on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Destiny 2 version 2.44 patch notes, the latest update added various activities changes, UI fixes, and improvements. Apart from this, Destiny 2 patch 2.44 (1.039) also includes stability fixes.
Previously, a big update was released with various bug fixes and changes. Unfortunately, players are facing several issues with the game. Destiny 2 version 2.44 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Destiny 2 2.44 Patch Notes – March 10, 2022
The Wellspring: Attack:
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to remain safely outside of the boss fight arena during the fight instead of being pulled into the room.
The Wellspring:
- Fixed an issue where players were not receiving Wellspring rewards if they haven’t picked up any armor from Fynch in the Throne World.
- Bad Luck Protection added for weapon drops and Deepsight mods in Wellspring.
- Does not apply to regular everyday life, sorry.
- Fixed an issue with Wellspring completion rewards that will make it less likely for players to obtain a powerful or pinnacle drop in the same slot multiple times in a row.
- Fixed an issue where level advantages were enabled in PvP Gambit.
- Gambit repeatable bounty tweaks include:
- Weapon kills reduced from 25 to 15.
- Grenade and melee kills reduced from 15 to 5.
- Super kills reduced from 15 to 10.
- Reduced the amount an invader kill heals the Primeval from 27% to 20%.
Altars of Reflection:
- Fixed an issue with Altars of Reflection not showing up properly for all characters.
Throne World:
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes get stuck at the entrance of the palace in Florescent Canal when backtracking from the bridge.
- AI spawn points have been adjusted after spawn points were skewed, resulting in enemies spawning in the same spot more rapidly than intended.
- Fixed an issue with Ikora’s Hive Ritual introduction dialogue that played a glitched audio file.
- Fixed an issue where Deepsight chests would not appear when intended.
- Fixed an issue where targets would not spawn for players to destroy in the Canal Deepsight puzzle.
- Players will now be able to respawn properly after being respawned from a “Turn Back” message at the first Savathûn fight during the Ritual mission.
- Rally flag and spawn points have been adjusted, now located at the top of the stairs.
PsiOps Battlegrounds:
- PsiOps Battleground EDZ intel and reward chests will now stay spawned at their intended rate, no longer disintegrating at the 10-second mark.
- The second Lucent portal Wizard will now spawn with all proper shields, fixing an issue where players could soft-lock the activity by taking down the Wizard when it spawns unprotected.
Vox Obscura:
- Fixed an issue where reward progress wasn’t tracking for the Exotic Sparrow in the Vox Obscura mission.
- Updated the Triumph description for Old Foes Rise Again to indicate that four weekly messages need to be acquired, one message per week following player confusion over how to complete.
- Fixed an issue with player waypoints where gild-able titles earned in previous Seasons, causing them to appear as a number or not at all.
- Fixed an issue where various Season 16 and 30th Anniversary items were appearing with incorrect watermarks.
- Fixed an issue where the in-game carousel and Seasonal tab Icon for the Hunter Seasonal ornament would display the incorrect cloak.
- Players would still receive the intended cloak when purchased.
- Fixed an issue where finisher and emote previews were being delayed.
- Fixed an issue where the player is unable to interact with sockets for two to four seconds while the screen fully loads.
- The addition of new blue banners in-game to help new players learn the game can now be removed from popping up for those that are already familiar with Destiny 2.
Glaive Mods:
- Armor mods for Glaives now drop from world engrams and can now be sold by Ada-1.
- Fixed an issue where Glaive armor mods would not appear in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where Aeon Safe Titan Exotic arms were not showing its familiar gold stripe.
- Tracking rockets have been adjusted after being found too dominant against other Guardians when invading in Gambit.
- This includes Grand Overture’s missiles.
- Tracking against AI enemies remains unchanged.
- Fixed an issue where the Ikelos SMG received an unintentional 40% damage buff.
- Wardcliff Coil Rocket Launcher’s damage has been restored to its original parameters following an unintentional buff to its damage.
- Fixed an issue regarding Grand Overture’s ability to generate more-than-intended ammo when switching Heavy weapons.
- Players would gain more ammo than intended when volley was readied and would overflow its magazine when combined with Actium War Rig (for Titans).
- Increased Grand Overture’s reserve ammunition from 20 to 40, resulting in a max ammo of 60.
- Fixed an issue where the Iron Banner weapon special effects would shut off if the Iron Banner origin trait was active.
- Fixed an issue where The Logic ornament for The Lament Exotic Sword would appear backwards.
- Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk would activate on ranged melee kills.
Weapon Crafting:
- Fixed an issue where the “Reshaping Enigma” quest objective could be bypassed.
- Fixed an issue where the Enigma Glaive reshaping costs could be overridden.
- Reduced end-of-campaign weapon crafting progression for campaign missions on Normal difficulty.
- Overflow has been removed from Enhanced Pulse Monitor following unintentionally overflowing the weapon’s magazine with seemingly no limit.
- Enhanced One-Two Punch now only requires 10-12 pellets to hit a target to proc the melee buff.
- Base trait and the Enhanced trait duration have been changed to 1.22s.
- Fixed an issue where reforges for the Osteao Striga’s catalyst would ask for the full catalyst cost.
- Enhanced Ambitious Assassin changed to add a Reload stat.
- Fixed an issue where Tier-3 Deepsight chests would only appear once per account.
- Fixed an issue where the Refined Qualichor quest wouldn’t reappear for Fynch at weekly reset.
- Fixed an issue where the standardized Void Weaken debuff was overriding Divinity’s custom weakening debuff.
- Fixed an issue where Ward of Dawn was granting an unintentional melee damage boost that stacked with Offensive Bulwark.
- Reduced melee recharge while invisible and wearing Graviton Forfeit when in PvP activities, including Crucible and Gambit.
- Fixed an issue where hitting Deadfall’s trap with a throwable grenade or smoke bomb would cause it to disappear.
Seasonal Challenges:
- Fixed an issue where the Apex Armorer Seasonal Challenge that requires players to Masterwork any piece of armor would complete when a player changed the element of one of their already-Masterworked armor pieces.
- Fixed an issue affecting Xbox One X HDR that caused black levels to turn white.
- Fixed an issue where certain quests were replaced with a placeholder icon.
- Fixed an issue where Google Stadia users who own The Witch Queen were shown the Digital Deluxe Edition upgrade option.
- Stadia Store does not offer automatic product discounts for expansions like other consoles, players should now see the correct messaging for the Deluxe Edition.
- Fixed an issue where players would purchase a weapon from Beyond Light from the Exotic Archive and see a pop-up message for the Deluxe Edition of the previous expansion, which is no longer available.
- Fixed an issue causing Gambit weapon and armor focusing to cost more than expected.
- Focusing now costs 10,000 Glimmer and 50 Legendary Shards each.
- Fixed an issue where the weekly limit for Ascendant Alloy purchases was not resetting at Master Rahool.
- Added a one-time purchase of two Ascendant Alloys for the cost of one.
- Rahool’s destination materials are now sold for stacks of 5 and 1 Legendary Shard, matching Spider’s previous exchange rates.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Weapon Telemetries to still drop.
- Go ahead and delete those from your inventory, no need to hoard what you can’t use any more.
- Fixed a localization issue where text overlapped in the Seasonal Rank Tool for some languages.
- Fixed an issue where the Exotic quest name for the Grand Overture catalyst quest would show up blank after the first step was completed.
- Various crash and stability fixes implemented across all platforms.
Download free Destiny 2 update 2.44 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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