[Dead by Daylight] DBD update 6.4.1 patch notes details are now available for PS4, PC, Xbox, Switch and PS5. According to the official DBD 6.4.1 patch notes, the latest update brings quality-of-life fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, DBD patch 6.4.1 also includes stability improvements.
Previously, a big update 6.4 added a new Killer and new Survivors to the game. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing various issues with the game. Today’s Dead by Daylight patch 6.4.1 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
What is fixed in DBD 6.4.1 Patch Notes? – November 30, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Updated Perk Repressed Alliance’s description to indicate it cannot be activated if another Survivor is repairing the same generator.
- Updated the Hex: Face the Darkness’s description.
- Addressed a bug where that caused the screaming animation to loop constantly when doing a gesture.
- Addressed an issue where The Huntress arm to clip through the camera when aiming up with a Hatchet.
- Addressed an issue where the Knight’s attack trail to be misaligned in first person view.
- Addressed an issue where the Knight and the Spirit to see the Potential Energy VFX and Refined serum VFX while in Path Creation Mode and Phase Walking.
- Addressed an issue where the spikes on Oni’s Armored Titan cosmetic to have the wrong texture during gameplay.
- Addressed an issue where the mist to be missing in some tiles of Garden of Joy map
- Addressed an issue where the Shock Therapy’s VFX to not match the power’s collision with the “Interview Tape” add-on
- Addressed a bug where that caused The Knight to sometimes move at the speed of the Path Creation Wisp
- Addressed an issue where Survivors to be able to blind The Knight’s Path of Creation Wisp
- Addressed an issue where The Knight to be able to unintentionally attack nearby survivors after summoning a guard
- Addressed a bug where that caused The Knight’s Guards to be able to break walls located high off the ground
- Addressed a bug where that caused Lethal Pursuer’s additional aura reveal time to fail to apply to the Nowhere to Hide Perk
- Addressed a bug where that caused Hex: Face the Darkness not to be triggered by The Trapper’s Traps and The Plague’s Vile Purge upon injuring a Survivor
- Addressed a bug where that caused The Knight’s Guards to be able to break generators blocked by the entity
- Addressed an issue where the achievement Speed Kills to not gain progress when using a non-basic Attack to injure a Survivor afflicted with Haste
- Addressed an issue where a survivor vaulting a pallet to be interrupted by a guard ordered to break that pallet
- Addressed a bug where that caused The Knight’s Guard break object orders to break objects out of sync with the corresponding animation
- Addressed a bug where that caused The Knight’s Guards to sometimes start orders without confirmation
- Addressed an issue where highlights of dream pallets in the Shattered Square map to appear as regular pallets
- Addressed a bug where that caused the power icon to not display a timer for the duration of The Knight’s Guard performing a breaking order
- Addressed an issue where The Knight to be unable to give orders when close to a breakable wall or a generator during Path Creation mode
- Addressed an issue where a Guard summoned by The Knight to get stuck on elevated objects
- Addressed an issue where The Knight to be unable to summon guards when using the order system immediately after entering patrol mode
- Addressed an issue where The Knight to be unable to summon guards for the rest of the trial after power is used in quick succession
- Addressed an issue where No Challenge Available text to appear when hovering over the Archives area in the lobby
- Addressed an issue where the grunts of pain and screams from Vittorio to be louder than other survivors.
- Addressed an issue where an incorrect SFX to be played when the cage on the ground in the Decimated Borgo map is hit by projectiles.
- Addressed an issue where the wrong SFX to be played when Legion vaults a pallet.
- Addressed a bug where where Phantom Trap would fail to trigger quickly after teleporting to a triggered trap.
- Addressed a bug where where failing a Decisive Strike skill check would break the beta wiggle.
- Addressed a bug where where Lethal Pursuer additional aura reveal time would fail to be triggered by the Nowhere to Hide Perk.
- Addressed a bug where where the flash effect from flashbangs/firecrackers is canceled when thrown against a wall.
- Addressed a bug where where The Artist would not receive brutality score events for damaging Survivors with Crows.
- Addressed a bug where where the “Rebuild The Borgo” Achievement fail to unlock after the Killer disconnect at the same time as the generator in the main building is repaired.
- Addressed a bug where where the Killer was able to trap Survivors near one of the exit gates on Gideon Meat Plant map.
- Addressed a bug where where the Killer was unable to pass between a boat and a rock in Pale Rose map.
- Addressed an issue where lighting to be too dark in the Dream World on certain maps when playing with The Nightmare
- Addressed an issue where Dream Pallets on Shattered Square map to turn into the generic pallet model upon being pulled down
- Addressed an issue where The Knight’s Guards’ flags to sometimes not disappear
What is DBD Chapter 28 (Update 6.5.0) Release Date?
DBD update 6.5 (Chapter 28) will be available in January 2023.
Download free DBD update 6.4.1 on PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox.
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