Beat Saber update 1.48 (October 6, 2021) is now available to download on PS4, PC(1.18.1), and Xbox One. According to the official Beat Saber 1.48 patch notes, the latest update addressed a few multiplayer issues and made tweaks in environments. Apart from this, Beat Saber patch 1.48 also includes various bug fixes.
Since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Beat Saber version 1.48 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details here.
Beat Saber 1.48 Patch Notes (1.18.1) – Oct 6, 2021
- Addressed bug when menu fog will be wrong after playing multiplayer game
- Fixed a bug when UI will be broken when opening Oculus dash/Steam overlay while level selection is open
- Addressed an issue when state of the lobby will be broken when server host switch to spectator
- Fixed note distortion for non-Billie environments
- Tweaked lights in various environments
Download free Beat Saber update 1.48 for PS4 and Xbox One.
#Beat #Saber #Update #Patch #Notes