Wolcen Lords of Mayhem update is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Wolcen Lords of Mayhem patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and changes.
Previously, a major update added a new end-game system: the War Table, New monsters, New damage type variations for some skills, and much more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Wolcen Lords of Mayhem patch will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
What is fixed in Wolcen Lords of Mayhem Update? – October 24, 2022
- Fixed an issue which sometimes caused changes in the “Graphics Quality” menu not to apply.
- Fixed an issue where the player could open their inventory in the Stormfall Overview screen and subsequently be unable to interact with it.
- Fixed an issue that, when manually rearranging the inventory, could cause items to disappear entirely from the inventory under specific circumstances.
- Fixed an issue which prevented gamepads from navigating away from the World Map after keyboard input had been used.
- Fixed an issue on gamepad which prevented the input prompt bar from appearing on the Death Screen in multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue in the Cosmetic Inventory which sometimes prevented collapsed categories from expanding again.
- Fixed an issue that would trigger Error 733 when stacking a newly-learned dye.
- Fixed an issue which would cause the player to inadvertently move when accepting a trade invitation with a mouse.
- Fixed an issue which would cause the player to inadvertently move when using the Crafting Screen’s scrollbar with a mouse.
- Fixed an issue in the Cosmetic Inventory where clicking and holding the mouse cursor would cause the inventory to scroll.
- Fixed an issue on gamepad which allowed the Aspect of Flesh’s skill “Rapid Assimilation” to damage a targeted enemy even if said enemy was not in the skill’s path.
- Fixed an issue in the Group Members list of the Friends List UI where only one group member would display when a third member joined.
- Fixed an issue which could prevent Friends List notifications from being displayed.
- Fixed an issue which caused inconsistencies in the Gate of Fate’s gamepad prompt bar when switching input modes.
- Fixed an issue where a removed friend would remain in the Friends List if they had been removed whilst grouped with the player.
- Fixed an issue which caused the player HUD to disappear after using and closing the trading window with a gamepad.
- Fixed an issue on gamepad where the crafting window would sometimes fail to have input on opening.
- Removed the redundant “Not enough room in inventory.” warning which appeared when accessing Dark Market and Transmutation Forge projects with a full inventory.
- Fixed an issue on gamepads which prevented some skin lists in the cosmetic menu from being scrollable.
- Fixed an issue which cause the progress gauge of certain Hunt events to be misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where the clickable area of the “Send Request” and “Cancel” buttons in the Add Friends UI was larger than the actual button.
- Sent party invitation popups now actually include the name of the player!
- Fixed an issue where gamepad input would be lost after sending a friend request.
- Resolved several instances of controller SFX overriding game SFX.
- Removed an instance of controller SFX incorrectly triggering when adjusting zoom in the Gate of Fates screen.
- Removed an instance of controller SFX incorrectly triggering when rotating the player character in the Cosmetics Menu.
- Removed an instance of controller SFX incorrectly triggering during crafting.
#Wolcen #Lords #Mayhem #Update #Patch #Notes