Stranger of Paradise patch 1.03 (1.003) is now available to download on PS4, PS5, Xbox, and PC (Steam) players. According to the official Stranger of Paradise patch notes, the latest update added functionality like (send messages and auto-dismantle). Apart from this, today’s Stranger of Paradise update 1.03 also includes various gameplay adjustments and fixes.

Previously, a major update added various bug fixes and gameplay changes. Unfortunately, since the release, many players were experiencing a number of issues with the game

Today’s Final Fantasy Origin version 1.03 (1.003.000) will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Stranger of Paradise 1.03 Patch Notes – Official

Added Functionality:

• Send Messages
While speaking with allies, citizens of Cornelia, etc., hold the button down to send a message.

• Auto-Dismantle

Equipment that meets parameters specified from the Settings screen can be dismantled immediately upon clearing a mission, freeing up space for more equipment. Please refer to the in-game tips for more details after updating.

• “★5” and “Artifact” have been added to the Item Pickup settings for precluding picking up equipment of the set rarity or lower.

• “No job affinity” has been added to the options for filtering within Items and other menus.

• Multiplayer Missions Level-Only Search
It is now possible to search for “Similar Average Equipment Level” and “Mission Level 300” without specifying a mission in multiplayer.


• Adjusted lighting in certain dungeons to improve visibility.

• Eased the break damage adjustment dealt to and received from enemies in missions with a discrepancy between mission level and average equipment level (indicated with “!”).

• Removed the following adjustments to break damage taken when guarding:
• Mission level
• Enemy strength
• Difficulty levels HARD and above
Accordingly, a regular guard will consume less of the break gauge than soul shield when taking an attack, making it easier to assess the situation when guarding while surrounding by enemies or taking repeated attacks.

• Shortened the time to recover from being broken when taking an attack while broken.

• Shortened the time after recovering from being broken until soul shield and other defensive measures can be taken.

• Relaxed the timing requirements to make it easier to initiate the next action following the end of an enemy’s soul burst sequence.

• Increased the conditions for determining a hit during the spinning attack of the knuckles action ability windmill.

• Changed some enemies that appear in the sword tutorial to goblin guards, which do not stagger when hit with regular attacks, making it easier to complete a counter and fulfill the tutorial conditions.

• Fixed the frame rate during conversations with allies and Cornelians at 30 FPS to prevent any dips in resolution.

• Checkmarks will no longer be removed from equipment when changing tabs in the Items menu.

• Removed certain boss animations during soul burst in CHAOS difficulty.

• During multiplayer, your lock on an enemy will be canceled more quickly when another player performs a soul burst on that enemy.

• Parameters when searching for rooms in multiplayer will now be preserved.
*Search parameters are lost when loading save data.

Bug Fixes

• In battle with Tiamat, the fiend of wind, certain conditions will no longer cause Tiamat to lose significant HP.

• A lock on an enemy should no longer be suddenly canceled during battle.

• Smaller enemies will no longer move incrementally out of synch when attacked with knuckles.

• When using the red mage job action chainspell, magic will no longer trigger when attacking after casting or after interrupting casting with an attack, making it easier to input chainspell commands.

• Addressed an issue that prevented first-time rewards from being obtained upon completing a mission. Unobtained first-time rewards can be obtained by completing the applicable mission once more.

• During multiplayer, a message will no longer display claiming the room is full when entering a room that is not full.

• Other various bug fixes.

▼Applicable to Epic Games Store

• Addressed an issue wherein the game was sometimes using integrated graphics instead of discrete GPUs.

▼Applicable to PlayStation 4

Added Functionality:

• Adjustable Resolution

In FPS Priority Mode, an adjustable resolution function will now increase the resolution under less intensive processing loads.

Download free Stranger of Paradise version 1.03 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox.

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