Spiritfarer Update 1.16 Patch Notes – Official


Spiritfarer update 1.16 details released for PS4 and PC players. According to the official Spiritfarer 1.16 patch notes, the latest update added some minor tweaks and changes.

Previously, the Jackie & Daria update added new spirits (Jackie, the Hyena and Daria, the Bat), new content, and much more.

Unfortunately, since the last players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Spiritfarer version 1.16 will fix a few of these issues.

What is new in Spiritfarer 1.16 Patch Notes? – July 19, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in stations when encountering a dragon or new location while playing guitar.
  • Fixed a typo in Gwen’s dialogue when she explains sleep.
  • Fixed a missing chair in Hummingberg.
  • Fixed Stanley causing a black screen when attempting to sleep while he was in Stella’s cabin.
  • Fixed being unable to sleep at minigame events.
  • Fixed being unable to move the ship at minigame events.
  • Updated Report a Bug to redirect to our support page.

Download free Spiritfarer patch 1.16 on PS4 and Xbox One.

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