Rubber Bandits update 1.18 is available on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. Accroding to the official Rubber Bandits 1.18 patch notes, the latest update added 3 returning xmas levels, two new weapons, 8 seasonal bandits and much more.
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Rubber Bandits patch 1.18 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Rubber Bandits Patch 1.18 Notes – November 30, 2022
3 returning xmas levels, for all game modes
- Painful Pine
- Ice Surprise
- Wasteful Wonder
Two new weapons, to help you rob Santa of all he got.
- Jingle Bell: Ring it to push your opponents away, or damage them if they are close enough.
- Flare gun: Light up the festivities with a burning hot flare. Emergency use only.
8 seasonal bandits return to the bandit shop.
- Limpa
- Frosty
- Uriel
- Sweet Tooth
- Fluff
- Jingles
- Nick
- G. Junior
Bug Fixes:
The deadweight achievement is now actually achievable!
Download free Rubber Bandits patch 1.12 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.
#Rubber #Bandits #Update #Patch #Notes