Rainbow Six (R6) Extraction Update 1.05 Patch Notes (1.000.005)


Ubisoft has released a new Rainbow Six Extraction update 1.05 (1.000.005) on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Rainbow 6 Siege 1.05 patch notes, the latest update added a new Protean (Vigil), a new Prestige system, and more. Additionally, today’s R6E update 1.05 also includes a long list of bug fixes.

Previously, a major update was released which resolved issues related to crashes, HDR, and matchmaking

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s R6 Extraction update 1.05 will fix a few of these issues.

Rainbow 6 Extraction patch 1.05 notes – May 10, 2022


New Protean: Vigil

New Prestige System:

There are 10 extra levels for each operator, which will be separate from the milestone levels.

Your prestige levels will be displayed in the UI and allow you to unlock unique permanent rewards, such as icons, headgears, and uniforms

General Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Crosshair changing between weapons and REACT Gadgets or Abilities.
  • Primary and Secondary Crosshairs no longer appear on screen at the same time.
  • It is now easier to Ping Refill Stations when enemies are in your line of sight.
  • Players are now able to accept a second Buddy Pass invite from the same friend.
  • General improvement of stability.


  • Players should not get stuck in the Airlock transition anymore.
  • There will be no longer flickering smoke during the Airlock transition flow.
  • Enemies now spawn in a subzone, if the Archaean Havoc mutation is active and the objective includes an Elite Grunt.
  • Two players are no longer able to block the third player from entering the Airlock. There’s enough space for all of you.
  • Spikers should now correctly shoot Nanothermite charges during the Sabotage objective.
  • Fixed an issue where stabbing a Smasher in the back didn’t always provide progress for Study: ‘Smasher Vulnerability’.
  • Fixed an issue of missing sounds from Storm Spikers.
  • Better movement for players and enemy variants, which includes vaulting, droning and improved enemy routes.


  • Holographic Sight Alignment on the M12.
  • We made changes regarding the Iron Sight alignment on the following weapons:
    • AUG A3
    • F90
    • MK14 EBR
    • Supernova
    • Type89
    • V308
    • L85A2


Auto-Turret is now able to target sticky Spores.
XR Recon Drone can now scan Sower mines consistently.



  • Doc’s stim pistol is now able to heal an operator that carries a MIA operator.


  • Teammates are immune of getting downed when Finka is activating the Adrenaline Surge.


  • Jäger’s Turret explosion will not damage Teammates in Veteran mode.
  • Jägers Turret is now able to target and destroy Sower Mines.


  • Reduced Zofia’s resistance duration to Sower mines by 10%.
  • Improved Aim assist on the KS79 Lifeline.
  • Reduced damage for the FO-12 from 35 to 25.


  • Reduced Ela’s resistance duration to Sower mines by 10%.
  • Reduced damage for the FO-12 from 35 to 25.


  • Venom Bolts does damage when fired at Sower mines.


  • Explosions from Nomad’s Airjab can now better destroy open fuel pods and fuel cells during the MIA rescue objective.


  • Toxic gas canisters are able to damage the Sower mines.


  • Deployable LMG shield can now block enemy projectiles more reliably.


  • Fixed the HDR getting automatically enabled, even if the player disabled it in-game or in the operating system.
  • HDR and FPS Limits no longer reset when launching the game.
  • The Benchmark tool no longer identifies Windows 11 as Windows 10.
  • Players are able to bind the Tilde Key to “Push to Talk”

Download free Rainbow Six Extraction version 1.05 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox.

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#Rainbow #Extraction #Update #Patch #Notes