A new Propnight update 1.0.16 is now rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Propnight patch notes, the latest update added a bunch of new changes and fixes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Propnight patch 1.0.16 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
What is new in Propnight Patch Notes – January 13, 2022
Physics – fixed various reasons for getting stuck in the textures for Survivors upon being knocked down and for Impostor upon timer’s expiration
• Killers – added slowdown after jumping when carrying a Survivor
• Killers – fixed an exploit that allowed to simultaneously pick up a Survivor and jump in quick succession
• Granny and Igor – fixed the fact that thrown knives and grenades reacted incorrectly to doorways of destroyed Closable Doors
• Impostor – fixed that Hypnochair timer would keep running if the Imposter turned into a prop and unturned near it
• Impostor – fixed Impostor being able to heal and move at the same time while in disguise
• Abbey – one of Hypnochairs moved closer to the closed off area, also fixed various places where Killers could not reach Survivors
• Farm – slightly increased the distance between the cornrows, also limited the view between the two Exit Doors
• Inventory – fixed items not being wasted if during their use Survivor immediately turned into a prop
• Inventory – fixed Survivor becoming immortal if player clicks on the slot with the Armor while receiving damage
• Camera (Item) – fixed that Legendary Camera did not have a cooldown after being used unless used against a Killer
• Hypnochair – fixed that Survivor could be rescued through the wall
• Voice Chat – fixed the possible reason of crash when trying to mute another player
• Minor fixes and improvements for UI, maps and localization
#Propnight #Update #Patch #Notes #Official