Peglin update 0.8.7 is available on PC(Steam). According to the official Peglin patch notes, the latest update added new Rlics, new changes and bug fixes to the game.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Peglin patch 0.8.7 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Peglin Patch Notes – December 1, 2022

New Content and Changes

  • New Relic (Common): Peglinero’s Pendant – Collected coins contribute to damage (acting as if a peg had been hit).
  • New Relic (Rare): Navigationflation – Coins collected during navigation are worth 4 gold instead of 1.
  • New Relic (Rare): Refillosopher’s Stone – 2 coins are added to the board every time it is refreshed.
  • New Relic (Rare): Duplication Potion – When Refresh or Crit pegs would move, they instead duplicate to the new position and leave a stationary copy in their previous position.
  • New Relic (Boss): Molten Mantle – Coins no longer provide gold, but instead deal your shot’s current total damage to the targeted enemy.
  • Alchemist’s Cookbook no longer reduces player bomb damage.
  • Terriball has had its proper art implemented.
  • Shield Mage has had its art updated to better display its new Shield Bash attack.
  • Egg is now available in custom loadouts.


  • Haglin’s Shop no longer breaks when the player enters with almost every available relic.
  • Flying Sapper Minions can now be hit when the player has the Grabby Hand relic.
  • Recombombulator now works as expected with bombs on the Rotating Refresh stage.
  • End-of-battle orb addition no longer allows your gold to go into the negative.
  • Haglin’s Satchel no longer grants orbs that should only be obtainable via scenarios.
  • Treasure Room Click-To-Aim fire button now appears less awkwardly.

#Peglin #Update #Patch #Notes #Relic