A new Payday 2 update 232 is rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Payday 2 patch notes, the latest update added quality of life changes and fixes. Today’s Payday 2 patch 232 download size is around 691.3MB.

Unfortunately, since the last Payday 2 patch 2.28, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s PAYDAY 2 patch 232 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Payday 2 Patch 232 Changelog – December 15, 2022

  • Fixed an issue where NPC husks would speed up when unnecessarily, and sometimes with a separate speed boost.
  • Fixed an issue of where the basilisk V3 GL had the wrong damage number displayed.
  • Fixed an issue of where the Maxim9 lasers were misaligned in akimbo
  • Fixed an issue of where cavity rear sight disappear if you buy it and restart the game
  • Fixed an issue where Vulcan minigun could have missing parts when viewed in the Safe house
  • Fixed an issue of where the Medved suppressor could cause issues with skins on akimbo weapons
  • Fixed a spot where players climbing on bookshelves & doors creates a safe spot against cloakers on Branch Bank.
  • Fixed an issue where there were missing collisions to gain access to out of bound rooms on Brooklyn 10-10.
  • Fixed an issue where team AI can take cover on top of a box on Henry’s Rock.
  • Fixed a spot where players could be invincible on Alaskan deal.
  • Fixed an issue where sentries could be used to trouble enemy AI to behave properly on Birth of Sky.
  • Fixed a spot where players could be invincible on the Safehouse Raid.
  • Fixed an issue of where players could get stuck between crates on Shadow Raid.

[i]Note: We’re still working on fixes for the following:

  • Carrying bags while playing the event mode in VR may cause crashes.
  • The HE-buff from destroying packages currently doesn’t work for shotguns.

#Payday #Update #Patch #Notes