A new major Outriders update 1.17 (1.017) released on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One players. According to the official Outriders 1.17 patch notes, the latest update added new content and various gameplay enhancements. Apart from this, today’s Outriders version 1.17 (1.017.000) also includes stability fixes.
Previously, a minor update added quality of life fixes. Unfortunately, since the release, some players are still experiencing some issues with the game.
Today’s Outriders version 1.17 will address all these issues. Read more details below.
Outriders 1.17 Patch Notes (New Horizon Update) November 16, 2021
Headline Changes:
- Expedition Timers have been removed
- Four New Expeditions Added
- Transmog System Added
- Tiago’s Store has been Reworked
- Legendary Loot Drops and Farming Information and Changes
- Changes to Legendary Sets
- Changes to Mods + Bug Fixes
- Changes to Class Trees + Bug Fixes
- Changes to Skills + Bug Fixes
- The Stadia version can now also crossplay with all other platforms.
General Changes:
- The video that plays when launching Outriders can now be skipped on all platforms apart from PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
- The Eye of the Storm now includes a pick-and-choose Legendary item reward.
- Added a Quick Mark functionality to Vendors.
- Improved the readability of Mod descriptions, especially when viewed on a large TV or Monitor. This change means that certain information is now viewed on the Details window rather than in the Quick View window.
- Reduced the volume of background audio of certain menu and loading screens.
- Added a minimum damage limit for the Brood Mother’s “Perforate” ability. This will ensure the ability does not have too large of a disparity in its min/max damage output.
Changed the Heir to the Desert configuration so that it now plays like an Assault Rifle (as intended and described) rather than a Submachine Gun.
Read full a list of bug fixes here.
Download free Outriders update 1.17 on Sony PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
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