No Man’s Sky update 4.06 details are now available for PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official No Mans Sky 4.06 patch notes, the latest update added gameplay changes, optimizations and improvements. Apart from this, No Man’s Sky version 4.06 also includes stability fixes.
Previously, a major free No Man’s Sky update 4.0 added a relaxed mode, overhauled inventories, revamped UI, and improved missions. Recently, a hotfix 4.03 was also released. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues when trying to play the game. NMS patch 4.06 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
No Mans Sky 4.06 Patch Notes – October 20, 2022
- Added an “Unread” icon to new entries in the Collected Knowledge catalogue of the information portal.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the save summary text from appearing correctly on the final save slot in the list.
- Fixed a memory issue affecting time-based missions.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the technology slot purchase screen from offering more than 30 slots in some rare circumstances.
- Added an option on the inventory page to temporarily expand large inventories and view them without the need to scroll.
- Clicking an inventory filter a second time will now disable that filter.
- Fixed a visual issue that caused some customisation banner options to appear in the wrong place in the UI.
- Fixed an issue that could cause framerate loss while browsing large freighter inventories.
- Fixed an issue that could cause entries to disappear from the Plaque, Monolith or Abandoned Building pages of the Collected Knowledge catalogue.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall through the floor of their freighter when loading in very specific locations.
- Fixed a number of visual issues with inventory slot purchasing.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the base building tutorial to fail to progress past the “Powering the Base” section.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause mission events involving base NPCs to point to the wrong system. This recovery will take place upon visiting the incorrectly marked system.
- Launch Fuel canisters now always fully recharge the Launch Thrusters, even on harder difficulty settings.
- Added additional fuel information to the “Summon Ship” error messages.
- The chance of technology being broken by incoming damage now scales with the current strength of your shields.
- The Save Point blueprint is now available for research aboard the Space Anomaly.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to have inaccessible slots when viewing storage container inventories on their freighter.
Download free No Mans Sky update 4.06 on Sony PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One.
#Mans #Sky #Update #Patch #Notes