No Mans Sky Update 3.91 Patch Notes (NMS 3.91)


No Mans Sky update 3.91 details are now available for PS4, PC, PS5(3.091) and Xbox One. According to the official No Man’s Sky 3.91 patch notes, the latest update added various tweaks, changes and fixes. Apart from this, No Man’s Sky version 3.91 also includes performance fixes.

Previously, a major free update 3.90 added Expedition seven(Leviathan) to the game.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, some players are still experiencing several issues when trying to play the game. Today’s NMS update 3.91 will fix a few of these issues.

NMS Update 3.91 Patch Notes – Official

  • Fixed an issue that could cause previous expedition saves to be converted to Survival rather than Normal mode after the end of the expedition.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause items to be deposited into technology inventories.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from collecting the final reward from an expedition while there were uncomplete optional milestones.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent progress on The Anchor milestone in the Leviathan expedition.
  • Fixed a memory-related crash on Xbox Series S.
  • Fixed a physics crash.
  • Fixed a crash related to despawning bases.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when maxing out freighter inventory slots.
  • Fixed a GPU crash on PlayStation 5.

Download free No Man’s Sky update 3.91 on Sony PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One.

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