Mordhau update 24 (Hotfix 2) released for PC (Steam) players. According to the official Mordhau patch notes, the latest hotfix resolves various issues and added gameplay improvements.
Previously, a big update was released which added Eastern Invasion update added Noria (a new large Invasion/Frontline map) and various bug fixes.
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing several issues. Today’s Mordhau patch 24 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
What is new in Mordhau Patch Notes? – December 29, 2021
Fix attempt for Noria gate not destroying properly
Fixed Noria wheel collision desyncing
Small optimizations for burnable objectives (FX/Decals/Audio)
Minor Cortile fixes
Misc Equipment/Armor LOD fixes
Tweaks to toolbox buildable placement
Fixes for Taiga landscape breaking
Fixed tent collision settings on Camp not blocking projectiles
Tweaks to AI focus change during attacks to stick on one target
Horde: revive time from 1.5s to 3.5s
Horde: Various balance tweaks to skills
Horde: Bear traps no longer trigger on friendlies. Increased max amount placed from 5 to 8.
Horde: Tweaked drop rates for gamble chests
Horde: Fixed Yeoman damage bonus not working
Horde: Nerfed Fire Arrows (from 1s -> 0.5s and 30% to 25%)
Horde: Nerfed Volley (Upgrade now gives +10% instead of +20% dmg)