Monster Hunter Stories 2 update 1.5.0 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Monster Hunter Stories 2 patch notes, the latest update added monstie, new changes, bug fixes, and more. The download size is around 400MB.
Previously, a big major update added Kulve Taroth (Co-Op Quest Exclusive Monster), Hellblade Glavenus, and Boltreaver Astalos.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s MH Stories 2 update 1.5 will address a few of these errors.
The magnificent black wings of these Rathalos Deviants beat with enormous power to carry these giant monsters through the skies, while bursts of their scorching breath threaten to burn all who oppose their rule into a pile of ashes. They are the kings among kings of Flying Wyverns, and those who fall victim to their fiery breath are incinerated instantaneously.
Download free MH Stories 2 update 1.5.0 for PC.
#Monster #Hunter #Stories #Update #Patch #Notes