A new Kena Bridge of Spirits update 2.03 is now available to download on PS4, PC and PS5(2.003). According to the official Kena 2.03 patch notes, the latest update added tweaks, fixes and improvements. Apart from his, Kena Bridge of Spirits patch 2.03 also includes stability improvements.
Previously, a major Kena update 2.02 added new features including new Game+, Spirit Guide Trials, Kena Outfits, and Charmstones. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still facing a number of bugs and issues with the game. Today’s Kena patch 2.03 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
What is new in Kena Update 2.03 Patch Notes? – October 1, 2022
- Fixed issues making it possible to collect more than 100 Rot when replaying the game in New Game+.
- Fixed a bug with the Shrine Guardian Combat Reflection Trial that prevented the bonus objective “Cleansing Strike” from being awarded.
- Crash fixes.
- Kena Outfit animation improvements and fixes.
- Fixed issue allowing the Woodknight to attack during spawn animation.
Download free Kena Anniversary update 2.03 on PS4 and PS5.
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