A new Hunt Showdown update 1.60 (v1.9 and hotfix is available now available to download on PS4 and Xbox. According to the official Hunt Showdown 1.60 patch notes, the latest update added various new changes and gameplay improvements. Apart from this, today’s Hunt Showdown patch 1.60 also includes performance and stability fixes.
Previously, a major update added a new Quest system – “Summons” as well as two new grunt AI variants. Recently, a hotfix was also released.
Unfortunately, players are still facing bugs and issues with the game. Today’s Hunt Showdown version 1.60 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.
Hunt Showdown Patch 1.60 Notes (v1.9) – July 25, 2022
- Hive swarms now correctly navigate through the world when homing in on players.
- Fixed a bug that caused the hive footstep audio continue play if it was killed mid-stride.
- Fixed a bug that cause the boss bounty appear in one location but can only be collected in another (example, if the boss falls through the staircase, the token could appear on the steps but can only be collected from below)
- Fixed a bug where Scrapbeak loot could land in an unreachable location.
- Fixed a bug that caused meathead bodies de-spawn too early.
- Fixed a bug where a grunt could deal damage with an attack after the animation completed.
- Visual improvement killing grunts.
- Fixed a bug that miner grunts did not drop their weapons properly.
- Fixed a bug that allowed AI spawn in incorrect places.
- Fixed a bug that allowed a hive swarm knock down items in Quickplay.
- Fixed a bug that allowed dropped grunt torches burn under water.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the Miner Grunt headlamps shine through solid geometry.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Meatheads spawn and chase Hunters on incorrect paths.
- Fixed some instances of crows floating above where they should be.
- Addressed a bug where the Butcher head jump on water.
- Fixed a bug where the position of a dead hunter moved slightly while being revived.
Addressed a bug where the concertina bombs throwing animation slightly off.
- Addressed a bug where Sgt. Bridgewater’s glove clip through the first aid kit when in “hip fire aim.”
- Fixed a bug that prevented the prompt stop bleeding appearing on screen while you are bleeding.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Hold F stop burning” prompt remain on the screen after banishing a boss.
- Addressed a bug where parts of a choke bomb become invisible when using a higher FOV.
- Hunt Showdown update 1.60 addressed a bug where a thrown item deleted when desyncing.
Addressed a bug where the equipment lock up when changing some of the newer legendary hunters.
- Addressed a bug where red particles appear on a Hunter’s skin after using dark sight.
- Addressed a bug where auto-interact not work in some cases.
- Fixed a bug on controller that caused a hold interaction in the menu execute late.
- Fixed a bug that caused the healthbar not regenerate fully after receiving charcoal damage.
- Addressed a bug where the SFX audio slider incorrectly affect menu ambience audio.
- Fixed a bug that caused an issue with the flash effect on an ultrawide screen.
Addressed a bug where the menu appear in-game after reconnecting.
- Addressed an issue that caused some issues when using custom hotkeys.
- Added some shortcuts on several buttons on controllers.
- Addressed an issue that caused the menu tabs not appear if you had a slow connection the backend.
- Fixed a bug where the Hunter was visible in the background on the last match screen if a teammate left the group.
- Fixed a bug where Subtabs in the progress screen were missing after clicking the leaderboard button in newsfeed.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in potentially selecting the wrong summons if it was selected from the BH/QP lobby.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in not being able see the hunter if you looked at the “compare” screen a 2nd or 3rd time.
- Fixed several issues related the Quickplay leaderboards (incorrect tooltips etc.).
- Fixed a bug that allowed players change the ‘trios’ option and ready/unready status when the lobby screen was not active.
Fixed a bug where switching Leaderboard stats via d-pad didn’t update correctly.
- Players can no longer buy bundles while in the matchmaking queue.
- Fixed a few occurrences of overlapping icons in the Arsenal.
- Fixed several bugs that could cause clean guns appear dirty.
- Addressed a bug where red skull kills not be correctly displayed on the team details screen.
- Fixed a few instances of the ‘locked’ icon and the ‘unlock percentage’ circle overlapping in the Book of Weapons.
- Fixed a bug where the equipment bar would not show the correct custom hotkeys.
- Hunt Showdown console update 1.9 fixed a bug that resulted in sorting not working as intended when used on the Roster weapons list.
- Addressed a bug where the ‘Leave Group’ button overlap with the chatbox.
Addressed a bug where the extraction banners completely white in the Tutorial Mode.
- Fixed a mismatched calculation of bloodline XP for Mr. Chary and the Summons.
- Fixed some flickering of the menu background.
- Addressed a bug where the mouse cursor appearing in game.
- Addressed a bug where the back buttons in the menu always link back the lobby screen.
- Addressed a bug where all traits have the + golden icon for new players or any player that deleted their user folder.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the bloodline button in the mission summary screen being covered when using German UI.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a tooltip being able cover other tabs after navigating away in the Options menu.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in Mission Summary buttons appearing on the Team Details screen instead.
Hunt Showdown version 1.60 fixed a bug that allowed players incorrectly make inputs while a pop-up was open.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the buttons in the initial landing pages too large.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the chain background of a locked legendary Hunter showing when the “details” are toggled on.
- Fixed a bug with the bundle icon remaining on an item after the bundle has expired.
- Addressed a bug where a special ammo icon displayed in the information box when no special ammo has been selected.
- Fixed several instances of weapons having incorrect tags for filtering in the Roster tab.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the poison bolts and choke bolts not have a duration in the description of the bolts.
- Addressed a bug where button misalignment when changing the resolution and the window mode at the same time in the Options menu.
- Fixed several issues with the filters in the Roster and Arsenal tabs.
Hunt Showdown patch 1.60 fixed an incorrect pop-up when discarding one contraband weapon in a dual wield setup.
- Addressed a bug where a player unable navigate through the death UI.
- Fixed an outdated tip on the loading screens about replenishing health chunks.
- Fixed a tutorial hint mentioning the old arrow matchmaking symbols.
- Fixed an incorrect translation for the Stalker Snarl bow in some languages.
- Addressed a bug where an incorrect tooltip in some cases when dual wielding pistols.
- Fixed several typos in French and Portuguese.
- Fixed an inconsistency in “Sergeant” in the descriptions of Bridgewater’s Honor DLC weapons in German.
- Fixed an inconsistency in the English and German texts in the tutorial explanation.
- Fixed a bug that caused the respec traits pop-up confirmation appear twice when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug that allowed poison bullets/bolts detonate a thrown projectile when hit.
- Fixed a bug that stopped choke bolts from not producing a choke cloud when shooting a lit barrel.
- Fixed a bug that caused weapons clip through the floor after swapping it for another weapon.
Addressed a bug where a small delay occur with the Bornheim Match when going back inADS after a taking shot.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Dolch Precision disappear in the 3D viewer.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the Romero not dealing the correct damage when hitting a target meters away.
- Addressed a bug where a contraband Weeping Marigold (Vetterli Marksman) have no crack in the scope.
- Fixed a bug that allowed concertina arrows can take of AI limbs without killing them.
- Fixed an incorrect display of the explosive throw indicator when throwing in the last moments before explosion.
- Fixed the weapon wheel display for the crossbow and hand crossbow only showing the second bolt icon.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in lanterns not being turned off when thrown through a choke cloud.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in dewclaw with a poison arrow not destroying a lantern.
- Addressed a bug where blueprints invisible in the Watch Towers.
- Made improvements for all world items (IE hammers, envelopes, etc) prevent clipping insurfaces or floating above.
- Addressed a bug where Meatheads de-spawn earlier than intended.
Fixed a bug that prevented items or weapons from being interactable due clipping inthe ground or surface.
- Addressed a bug where the “Earn Bloodline XP” Summon receive slightly less progress than intended.
- Fixed an envelope spawn that could be hidden inside the Assassin’s lair dressings.
- Fixed some spots where players could hide inside the Assassin’s lair dressings too well.
- Addressed a bug where incorrect texturing on vegetation in the Sundown time of day.
- Addressed a bug where the lightning strike of the bounty not be completely vertical.
- Hunt Showdown 1.60 update addressed a bug where players teleport or become stuck inside assets after using a ladder.
- Fixed several crash instances when loading inmissions.
- Fixed several instances of invisible colliders on all three maps.
- Improvements made the navigation of the Spider and the Assassin in several boss lairs.
- Scupper Lake: Fixed a group of floating trees on the southwest side, near Port Reeker.
- Cypress Huts: Fixed a grassy hill not rendering correctly.
- Cypress Huts: Fixed an incorrect audio cue on the wooden roof of the white house east of the boss lair.
- Cypress Huts: Fixed some incorrect textures inside the main building.
- Cypress Huts: Fixed a box incorrectly de-rendering inside the main building.
- Catfish Grove: Fixed an invisible corner caused by some crates.
- Catfish Grove: Fixed some floating geometry.
- Slaughterhouse: Fixed a stuck spot in the boss lair barn.
- Stillwater Bend: Addressed a bug where a Meathead spawn on top of a roof.
- Chapel of Madonna Noire: Fixed a stuck spot in the forest south of the compound.
- Chapel of Madonna Noire: Fixed some visual holes in the ceiling in the basement.
- Chapel of Madonna Noire: Fixed some invisible walls in the entrances the basement.
- Chapel of Madonna Noire: Fixed some flickering textures in the entrances the basement.
Chapel of Madonna Noire: Fixed a small hole between two assets in the crouch entrance the basement.
- Chapel of Madonna Noire: Fixed a bug with the ambient audio when entering the basement.
- Alice Farm: Addressed a bug where the vegetation not load in properly.
- Alain & Son’s Fish: Improved ground textures around the player spawns.
- Alain & Son’s Fish: Fixed a stuck spot in a group of trees.
- Alain & Son’s Fish: Fixed a stuck spot in a tree south of the main building.
- Healing Waters Church: Fixed a gap inside the church that was only visible from one direction.
- Healing Waters Church: Fixed a spot where a Hunter could hide too well inside some geometry inside the church.
- Healing Waters Church: Fixed some vegetation that was clipping through the outer wall.
- Healing Waters Church: Fixed an incorrect rendering of one of the underground tunnels.
- Healing Waters Church: Fixed a vision issue where it was not possible see a Hunter at specific angles at the entrances the underground.
- Pitching Crematorium: Fixed some incorrect textures in the basement walls.
- Reynard Mill & Lumber: Fixed an extract vehicle that was clipping inthe ground.
- Reynard Mill & Lumber: Fixed a stuck spot in the sawmill building.
- Reynard Mill & Lumber: Fixed a spot where the tree trunks overlapped with wood stacks.
- Lockbay Docks: Fixed a stuck spot in the basement.
- Lockbay Docks: Fixed a spot where a throwable could incorrectly go through a solid piece of roof.
Blanchett Graves: Fixed an oil puddle that was not igniting properly when exposed a flame.
- Davant Ranch: Fixed a floating piece of Scrapbeak lair dressing.
- Davant Ranch: Fixed a spot where a throwable could incorrectly go through a solid piece of roof.
Lawson Delta
- Windy Run: Fixed a stuck spot in the southeast forest.
- Fort Carmick: Fixed some floating vegetation on the north side.
- Fort Carmick: Hunt Showdown update 1.60 fixed the Scrapbeak gramophone clipping ina box.
- Lawson Station: Fixed a stuck spot in the construction building.
- Lawson Station: Fixed several holes that you could see through in the sandbags on top of the station roof.
- Lawson Station: Fixed a misalignment of the arch on the north side of the station building.
- Lawson Station: Fixed an incorrect rendering of a cloth piece inside a train car in between the two boss buildings.
- Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Addressed a bug where the AI navigate incorrectly on the south side of the compound.
- Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Fixed a clue that was clipping inthe ground slightly.
- Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Fixed a stuck spot by a broken-down cart.
- Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Fixed a stuck spot on the roof of the first floor of the main building.
Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Fixed a stuck spot on some boxes inside the main building.
- Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Hunt Showdown version 1.60 fixed another possible stuck spot.
- Bradley & Craven Brickworks: Fixed two wooden barrels that were overlapping on the north side of the compound.
- Hemlock & Hide: Addressed a bug where AI occasionally spawn under the white house on the west side of the compound.
- Hemlock & Hide: Fixed a stuck spot.
- Hemlock & Hide: Fixed a stuck spot by the fence and the creek on the south side.
- Hemlock & Hide: Fixed a few floating assets on the south side.
- C&A Lumber: Fixed a few spots where a player could vault through the roof get on top of the buildings.
- Ironworks: Fixed a tree that was clipping through a fence.
- Ironworks: Fixed an incorrect texture on the roof of the main building.
- Sweetbell Flour: Fixed an edge that a Hunter could walk on, which was not intended accessible.
- Blanc Brinery: Fixed a stuck spot.
- Lower DeSalle: Fixed a spot where AI could get stuck.
- Lower DeSalle: Addressed a bug where some invisible geometry in the boss lair.
- Lower DeSalle: Fixed a stuck spot in a group of trees south of the buildings.
- Reeves Quarry: Fixed a healthkit spawn that was clipping inthe large rocks.
- Reeves Quarry: Fixed some misaligned geometry in the main building.
- Reeves Quarry: Fixed a horse’s placement and ragdoll affects on the south side of the compound.
- Darin Shipyard: Fixed some geometry that was clipping ineach other.
- Darin Shipyard: Fixed some crows spawning inside a tree.
- Darin Shipyard: Fixed the white house render distance when looking at it from the east side.
- Darin Shipyard: Fixed an incorrect texture issue south of the compound.
- Darin Shipyard: Fixed a stuck spot.
- Darin Shipyard: Fixed some floating trees on the northwest side.
- Fort Bolden: Fixed a stuck spot between two carts.
- Fort Bolden: Fixed a stuck spot in between the wooden wall and a cart.
- Seven Sisters Estate: Fixed some floating vegetation.
- Seven Sisters Estate: Fixed some hitching posts that were not vaultable.
- First Testimonial Church: Fixed a piece of geometry sticking through the brick on the west side of the compound.
- First Testimonial Church: Fixed an oil puddle that was not igniting properly when exposed a flame.
- First Testimonial Church: Hunt Showdown patch 1.60 fixed a few spots that were unintentionally accessible.
- Upper DeSalle: Fixed an unfair gap on the cabin by the river that was only visible from one direction.
- Upper DeSalle: Fixed a stuck spot under the pier on the river that is south of the compound.
- Pelican Island Prison: Fixed a Cash Register that was clipping through geometry.
- Pelican Island Prison: Addressed a bug where the wall assets misaligned in broken tower.
- Pelican Island Prison: Fixed some dirt piles bleeding through the white building on the west side.
Pelican Island Prison: Fixed a piece of floating stairs inside the main building.
- Moses Poultry: Fixed a resupply station east of compound that was partially floating.
- Moses Poultry: Fixed an incorrect audio cue on the metal roof.
- Ash Creek Lumber: Fixed an invisible collision box at the top of some stairs.
- Ash Creek Lumber: Improved vaulting on the bridge towards Weeping Stone Mill.
- Ash Creek Lumber: Hunt Showdown update 1.60 fixed a bug that triggered “Boss Lair Entered” incorrectly.
- Weeping Stone Mill: Fixed a spot that appeared in deep fog in the forest on the east side.
- Weeping Stone Mill: Fixed some floating trees and dirt in the surrounding forest.
- Heritage Pork: Blocked off a hole that appeared crouchable but was not intended so.
- Heritage Pork: Hunt Showdown PS4 update 1.60 fixed some vegetation clipping through the hut towards Ash Creek Lumber.
- Stanley Coal Company: Fixed some incorrect textures on a brick wall.
- Kingsnake Mine: Fixed a floating tree by the white house on the southeast side.
- Kingsnake Mine: Fixed some metal plates that were clipping through other geometry.
- Kingsnake Mine: Closed a gap on the bridge south of compound that looks like you could fall through.
- Kingsnake Mine: Fixed some rock geometry on the east side of the compound.
- Kingsnake Mine: Fixed an ammo box that could spawn in the way of a sliding door.
- Pearl Plantation: Fixed some floating vegetation.
- Pearl Plantation: Fixed incorrect metal audio playing on rubble ground.
Download free Hunt Showdown console update 1.60 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox.
#Hunt #Showdown #Update #Patch #Notes #PS4 #Xbox