Humankind Patch Notes (Vitruvian Update) – April 21, 2022
Humankind Patch Notes (Vitruvian Update) – April 21, 2022
Humankind update 1.0.11 is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Humankind patch notes, the latest Vitruvian update added the Davinchi event and a long list of fixes.
Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Humankind patch will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Humankind April 21 Update Patch Notes
Important changes and additions
Improved historical religions discoverability
Reworked the Religion panel, to make the choice of historical religions more visible.
Improved the way the AI chooses historical religions, so that it does not stick to its first choice anymore.
Balanced Affinitites
Increased the payouts for Merchant affinities, to give substantially more Money per Trade Route and per Era.
Increased the payouts for Aesthete affinities, to give substantially more Influence per adjacent Territory and per Era.
Limited the “Collective Minds” action (Scientist affinities) to be applied only one City at a time, with a cooldown.
Limited the “Land Raiser” action (Builder affinities) to be applied only one City at a time, with a cooldown.
Improved the way game speed settings are taken into account for the “Power Investor” Merchant’s active ability.
Added control over notifications, so that only relevant ones are displayed.
Added game options to show or hide themes of notifications.
Added a “show/hide” button directly on notifications.
Other changes and additions
Improved the way the AI manages cities, to avoid Stability penalties and a deficit of Influence, which should make it more competitive mid/late game, prevents it from spamming Common Quarters and Garrisons, and should avoid waves of “zombie AIs rebels” attacks.
Improved the way the AI manages its economy, with refinements on resource needs and an Industry and Money focus, which makes it more competitive mid/late game.
Improved the way the AI handles affinities actions for Scientists, Builders and Expansionists affinities: AI armies will tend to annex Territories more often.
Improved AI culture choices mid/late game: the AI performs a better analysis of its current situation when changing Eras, and how it takes culture bonuses into account.
Improved the way the AI manages settlers: AI empires will tend to produce more Settlers and give them smarter colonisation missions.
Added the possibility to build Trebuchets until the end of Industrial Era.
Increased the maximum number of opponents on tiny maps to 4.
Added information about pollution malus when clearing a Forest.
Merged veterancy Combat Strength bonuses in the attack preview UI.
The “placement details” tooltip is now anchored on the bottom-left of the screen to avoid overlapping with the cursor.
Added feedback to highlight tiles where the Clear Ruins can be built.
Fixes of issues spotted by the community (thanks!)
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where Germans Legacy Trait “Iron Ordnance” Combat Strength bonus was not applied properly.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the Lighthouse of Alexandria Combat Strength bonus was applied to all unit types.
[CMTY] Fixed an AI odd behavior when placing a unit on the tile the AI wanted to turn into a City.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where Cultural Wonders in separated Territories were no longer exploiting adjacent tiles.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the game could be stuck at the end turn on rare occasions.
[CMTY] Fixed several issues where the International Trading Civic was not functioning as intended.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where Japanese Reisen emblematic air Unit had an invalid Upkeep cost.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the Stormborn Legacy Trait Combat Strength bonus of the Norsemen was applied to land Units once Naval Transport was unlocked.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where sea curiosity pins were visible only after researching Trade Expeditions in some occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the “placement details” tooltip could displayed inconsistent information for tiles adjacent to Mountains, depending on the position of the cursor.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where inconsistent information was present in the Noble Javelineers range description tooltip.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where Armies could not move through a passable terrain tile in rare occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where upgrade path for the Dragoon Unit in Contemporary Era was inconsistent.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where outpost and ruin 3D models were not displayed when placed on the tile of a partially completed and ransacked Outpost.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the player could not exit the religion mode using the Escape key or right-click if the mode was accessed using Alt+5.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the Machu Picchu Cultural Wonder Food effect was stronger than intended.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where false information could be displayed in the “Pay” Grievance demand included in the surrender terms in some occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the City’s Population counter could reach a negative -1 value on rare occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the empire referenced by the description of the “The Propaganda Machine” narrative event was incorrect.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where debug text was displayed in the description of the “Left out” narrative event.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where debug text was displayed in the description of the “Based on a true story III” narrative event.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the effects of the first choice in the “Lost Souls I” narrative event was not taking effect if your Units were engaged in a battle.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the effects of the “Lost Souls II” narrative event was not applied in a specific situation.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where Independent People’s siege of an AI never got resolved in very rare occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where “Crusader” persona strength was applied on Units in the Neolithic Era.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where emblematic Units could not be constructed if their technology was researched in the previous Era, in some occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the player would not receive the Independent People defender Armies when assimilating them in a specific situation.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the pathfind algorithm would lead ships to be lost at sea without taking into account “Coastal ship” or “Navigator” attributes in some occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where the “Be Virtuous As Water” Tenet was applying a malus effect instead of bonus in some occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where misleading information was present in the tooltip for the “Lumber Yard” infrastructures in some occasions.
[CMTY] Addressed a bug where false information was displayed in the siege battle preview in specific situations.
Other fixes
Addressed a bug in multiplayer where attempting to load a save file caused the session load to fail in rare occasions.
Addressed a bug in multiplayer where sessions were redirected to the main menu after ending the first turn in some occasions.
Addressed a bug in multiplayer where the host was unable to change the AI Persona from the Lobby Competitor Settings panel.
Addressed a bug in multiplayer where placeholder empires were displayed in the loading screen when the session has less than 10 empires.
Addressed a bug in multiplayer where instabilities could occur for the host when ending a turn in some occasions.
Addressed a bug in multiplayer where instabilities could occur for the host after they selected a Biplane squadron.
Addressed a bug where the session would not end when the Era limit reached end conditions were met.
Addressed a bug where Army Upkeep was not properly lowered for Armies with more Units.
Addressed a bug where the player received War Support when declaring any type of war on an empire that has the materials procurement first Civic choice active.
Addressed a bug where the “Hamlet” District would not replace other Districts previously build on a tile.
Addressed a bug where the “Lord of the Flies” achievement was not unlocked when the prerequisites were met.
Addressed a bug where a stuck situation could be encountered when launching 2 simultaneous nuclear strikes over 2 ongoing battles.
Addressed a bug where the UI of the player which accepts a demand that leads to their elimination would disappear.
Addressed a bug where the player was unable to perform an “instant resolution” in some battles.
Addressed a bug where the Natural Wonders narrator lines were triggered only after pressing the locate button from the Natural Wonder discovered notification.
Addressed a bug where a graphical corruption could be present when accessing the profile screen when booting the game.
Addressed a bug where no audio feedbacks were present in several places (empire statistic panels, liberate action, etc.)
Addressed a bug where the sound effect that triggers when reaching the end-game screen after resigning was not affected by any volume option.
Addressed a bug where AI attitude changes made by signing an open borders Treaty required multiple turns to register.
Addressed a bug where an upgraded Unit’s Upkeep was not displayed inside the tooltip that appears when hovering the cursor over the Unit’s “Upgrade” button.
Addressed a bug where the mute button help layer had a missing information line.
Addressed a bug where videos of technologies discoveries were sometimes hiding subtitles.
Addressed a bug where misleading information was displayed in the affinity panel for the “Land Raiser” and “Collective Minds” abilities.
Addressed a bug where the player was not informed in the City FIMS output tooltip about the “Land Raiser” and the “Collective Mind” abilities status.
Addressed a bug where the placement details tooltip could overlap the placement cursor.
Addressed a bug where the heads-up markers placed by the AI empires on the player’s Territory were not clear enough on what the player should do for them.
Addressed a bug where confusing information was present in the violent Independent People “Indifferent” status description tooltip.
Addressed a bug where interacting with a tile pin while attempting to place a marker was opening the pin’s associated UI.
Addressed a bug where the description of the “A meeting of minds” achievement was misleading.
Addressed a bug where the game options screen had a scrolling speed inconsistent with other menu screens.
Addressed a bug where the Japanese Culture’s Legacy Trait description was containing an inconsistent period symbol.
Addressed a bug where debug text was displayed in the tooltips of the squadron actions whenever the squadron was placed in the area of an ongoing battle.
Addressed a bug where a text error was displayed in the tooltip of the Encyclopedia entry from the Mouse & Keyboard settings.
Addressed a bug where players could remain stuck on the “G2G Share Tools” screen if the “Upload” button was pressed right after pressing the “Edit” button.
Addressed a bug where an incorrect avatar icon was displayed for the Horatio Avatar (unforgivable!)
Addressed a bug where trait column mislabeled in the AI Persona would display in the Profile screen tabs.
Addressed a bug where multiple hairstyles presets presented missing textures when the player changed the avatar’s gender.
Addressed a bug where Nayakuralu Nagamma’s avatar preset could get facial features of other avatar presets.
Addressed a bug where Nayakuralu Nagamma’s avatar was displaying inconsistent skin color between different body parts.
Addressed a bug where Nayakuralu Nagamma’s name was not fully displayed in avatar customization.
Addressed a bug where La Catrina’s avatar was no longer available in some occasions.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur upon toggling the UI visibility after choosing end game or concede defeat options.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when attempting to buy resources via trade.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur attempting to use the “Air Strike” squadron action on a target.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when attempting to move a Unit on the tile of an opponent Unit during manual combat.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when when booting up the title while having a specific hair style on the avatar.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when after loading a save file and an AI declared war on the player in rare occasions.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when hovering over the Influence counter in the society screen or in the resource banner.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when accessing the society mode in the Ancient Era.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when destroying a resource extractor via artillery strike.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when attempting to produce the Aksumite’s emblematic District Great Obelisk.
Addressed a bug where instabilities could occur when the “Iron Reserves” Militarist affinity ability was used right after opening a screen using its hotkey.
Cultures of Africa Pack Fixes
Addressed a bug where the “Bandari” Swahili emblematic District did not replace the Harbor District.
Addressed a bug where narrator lines were not triggered when discovering “Cultures of Africa” Natural Wonders.
[Mac] Added an option in the Game Resolution settings to filter Mac native resolutions.
[Mac] Addressed a bug where terrain was incorrectly rendered and army panel were displaying graphical corruption in some occasions.
[Mac] Addressed a bug where several panels displayed font graphical corruption in some occasions.