Humankind Patch Notes (Bolivar Update) – June 9, 2022


Humankind update 1.0.12 is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Humankind patch notes, the latest Bolivar Update added new a new DLC with new changes, fixes and improvements.

Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Humankind patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Humankind Bolivar Update Patch Notes – June 9, 2022

ADDITIONS [Cultures of Latin America Pack]

  • Expand your HUMANKIND™ experience with the Cultures of Latin America DLC!
  • Features 6 new cultures spanning all eras, new natural and built Wonders, 9 new independent people, and 25 new narrative events.


  • Added the Mississipian culture!
  • Added Italian and Turkish localization.
  • Voluntary Forced Surrender: Wars can now be continued after the losing empire reaches 0 War Support. Sending Surrender Offers is limited by the global Diplomatic Offer cooldown.
  • War Support gains and loss are now affected by losses in battles, Influence on controled Territories and Ransacking of enemy districts.
  • War Support is not reset to zero anymore after a peace is concluded.
  • Pollution negative effects on gameplay are now deactivated by default when creating a new game. Those effects on gameplay can be re-activated when creating a new game.
  • AI: added a delay on AI movements when claiming a Territory, retreating and when the player attacks its units.
  • Sorties can now only be triggered once a Siege is confirmed.
  • Luxury Resources spread can now be customized when creating a new game.
  • Civics unlock conditions are now documented in tooltips in the civics screen.
  • Natural wonders now have various effects, instead of the same one for all of them.
  • Infrastructure gains can now be previewed (before building them and once they are built).
  • Stability Surplus and Deficit are now shown in tooltips.
  • Added a new constructible: Administrative Center Renovation, which allows to replace the visuals of the administrative center by the buildings of the current era.
  • AI: Improved the way the AI choses Cultures early and mid-game, so that it feels less predictible.
  • The mod configuration of the latest save is now loaded automatically.
  • Difficulty bonuses given to the AI have been reworked, to be more progressive among eras.
  • The Aztec Costume has been reworked, to better reflect historical accuracy.


  • The chances that DLC Content (excluding cultures) appears in a new game can now be customized when creating a new game (from “never” to “high frequency”).
  • War Support is better feedbacked in the UI, especially after a Retreat.
  • new content from DLCs are tagged with a small dot (that can be deactivated in the game Settings).
  • AI: Improved airforce garrison behaviour. The AI will now use its aerial garisson more wisely.
  • AI: Improved airfield planning. The AI will now place its airports more wisely.
  • AI: Improved white peace proposition and acceptance and war declaration behaviors.
  • Removed turn limit condition from Beginner and Advanced endgame conditions in First Time User Experience scenarios.
  • Players can now go to the crisis tab to check their war score, even if they are not at war.
  • Mods and challenges can now be accessed directly in the main menu.


  • Fixed an issue where some Emblematic Districts were not properly counted for effects using the number of Districts as a prerequisite (Market Quarters, Tech Park, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue where Emblematic Building that were replacing Garrisons were not considered as Garrisons : Assyrian Dunnu, Mycenaen Cyclopean Fortress, English Stronghold, Polish Barbican, Zulu Izindlu.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was able to end the game via The Red Planet narrative event even if the Mars Conquered end condition was turned Off.
  • Fixed an issue where natural modifiers that spawn on coastal waters, like Coral Reef or Pearls, were counted as land modifiers by the map editor.
  • Fixed an issue where AI kept sending surrender offers during the same turn.
  • Fixed an issue where World life trains were ignoring train track paths and were not being rendered a short distance after the Train Station.
  • Fixed an issue where War Support was mismatching between battle report and notification/actual value.
  • Fixed an issue where City had no Spawn point if the player relocated the outpost before transorming it into a city.
  • Fixed an issue where civics could be locked in multiplayer session in some occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where all roads were reducing the movement penalty more than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where players could occupy cities while in a state of Peace, locking out the city from being used.
  • Fixed an issue where instabilities could be encountered when loading a specific community provided save file.
  • Fixed an issue where Cleared Ruin tiles had no resources yield when exploited.
  • Fixed an issue where game pace tooltip in the new game lobby was presenting misleading information.
  • Fixed an issue where Cavalry units could bypass city walls if the hex they were moving to was undiscovered.
  • Fixed an issue where the Warrior badge effect was incorrectly applied.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not change the mod order in the Active Mod menu.
  • Fixed an issue where map with a continent that had no luxury resources could be generated in some occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where Konstantiniyye city name could appear incorrect in various locations.
  • Fixed an issue where previewing placing districts next to mountains with the Shelter the True Oracles tenet showed that the player will lose the influence buff.
  • Fixed an issue where in some occasions, cities given after a White Peace could not build districts other than stability increasing ones, even at full Stability.


  • Fixed an issue where an Empire could be stuck in Neolithic while the other Empire advanced in way later Era.
  • Fixed an issue where the Develop the Intellect tenet was not functional in game in some occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could construct the forest extension on natural wonder tiles.
  • Fixed an issue where roads between cities and outposts were created without the Wheel technology being unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue where roads between outposts were created without the Supply Lines technology being unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue where the Use Airport unit action was consuming a movement point when used.
  • Fixed an issue where grievances were during 11 turns instead of 10.
  • Fixed an issue where pathfind around river entries could behave inconsistently.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was remaining in the same era because it believed the Farmer era stars would be unlocked soon.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would ping positions it have not explored yet.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Cultural Blitz” active ability took more than 10 turns to recharge on normal game speed.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was not informed about why they were unable to Refuse a Demand after having previously refused it.
  • Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the “Someone moves to a new Era” notification for when an empire Transcends.
  • Fixed an issue where a desync was encountered at the start of a turn where an AI-controlled empire proposed the “Only trade luxuries” treaty to the Host.
  • Fixed an issue where map Markers were not removed after the empire’s elimination.
  • Fixed an issue where AI controlled empires were not using the “Under One Banner” Expansionist affinity action in some occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after the player declared a “Surprise War” followed by “Offer Surrender” to an opposing AI empire.
  • Fixed an issue where Independent People were not evolving their Outposts into Cities when playing on the Blitz Game Speed setting.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect pathing indicator could be displayed when reinforcing a battle in a specific situation.
  • Fixed an issue where the displayed trajectory of the nuclear missile during the strike cinematic was erratic.
  • Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after Liberating a city.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forest extension was missing its ghost model while being placed and constructed.
  • Fixed an issue where Armies were retreating from battle over more tiles than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where players could Plant Forests on natural wonders.
  • Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after assimilating a specific minor faction.
  • Fixed an issue where harbour-type Districts could be placed on coastal Natural Deposits.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Close to victory in the war!” notification was triggered after the war ends in some occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where the Humankind Encyclopedia was opened in the background when typing the designated Encyclopedia key H in the mods search bar.
  • Improved the overall stability & potential desynch issues in multiplayer.
  • Fixed and updated multiple tooltips to provide more accurate information.
  • Corrected multiple instances of debug text or images being displayed.
  • Fixed several minor other UI issues.


  • Fixed an issue where wireframe assets were displayed during the nuclear detonation animation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Humankind game icon was difficult to distinguish on Dark Mode.


  • Fixed an issue where Emblematic Building that were replacing Garrisons were not considered as Garrisons: Ethiopian Amba.
  • Fixed an issue where unit pin was overlapping with the Maasai culture emblematic “Maasai Morans” unit model.
  • Fixed an issue where Pestilent Pastures narative event choices and outcomes were not scaling with game speed.
  • Fixed an issue where trade roads could pass through Victoria falls natural wonder.

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#Humankind #Patch #Notes #Bolivar #Update