Hell Let Loose Update 1.007 Patch Notes (1.007.000) – Nov 25, 2021
Hell Let Loose update is now rolling out for PC and PS5 players. According to the official Hell Let Loose patch notes, the latest update addressed a number of key issues that were identified after the Patch 17 update.
Recently, a major update was released with minor gameplay changes. Recently, a hotfix was also released.
Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Hell Let Loose update 1.008 will address a few of these issues. Check out more details below.
Hell Let Loose Patch 17 Hotfix Notes – March 10, 2022
[Fixed] Oversized player collision boxes found on new hedge assets
[Fixed] Missing textures found a specific hedge asset
[Fixed] Missing bullet collision found on specific hedge asset
[Fixed] Ability to climb into and hide in hedges on multiple maps
[Fixed] Building asset with broken attic has inaccurate bullet collision
[Fixed] Supply Drops can land on top of the collision boxes of blocked areas in Carentan, SMDM and SME
[Fixed] Satchel can be placed on an invisible collider of German Medium Tank
Bug Fixes
[Fixed] Key bindings do not save after changing them and relaunching the game.
[Fixed] Changing map via RCON causes players to lose mouse functionality if they had the tactical map open when transition occurs
[Fixed] Tank turret can jump slightly when quickly changing direction of movement using Precision Aim
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