GTFO update 7.0 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official GTFO patch notes, the latest update added a lot of new features and fixes in a lot of areas, improving bots, graphical elements and sound design.
Previously, a big update added three new expeditions in The Complex – BX, CX, and DX. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. GTFO patch 7.0 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
GTFO Patch 7.0 Notes – June 16, 2022
- Added 10 new Expeditions
- Added Evaluation Expedition for new players
- New Dangers detected in The Complex
- Added new Environment
- Updated Music System
- Added subtitles for narrative elements
- Improved Localization system
- Performed optimizations
- Updated Vanity Item drop system. Rewards are less repetitive and show available rewards.
- Updated roaring sounds as waves of enemies spawn
- Added new Thermal Scope
- Improved Shooter projectiles
- Improved Charger enemy visuals
- Updated Player Heads, including eye movement and blinking
- Updated Glue Tripmine VFX
- Updated Bioscan visuals
- Improved Steam Deck support
- Improved Gamepad support
- Updated sprint toggle behavior
- Added camera shake for Tripmine explosions
- When dropping an object, the player now switches to the last weapon they had before picking it up
- Added 3rd person animation when interacting with the terminal
- Added text on screen when a checkpoint is being reloaded
- Player Limbs are now also impacted by friendly fire
- Player Bots
- Will move in faster and more decisively to melee when sneaking fails
- Improved bots ability to evade projectiles
- Improved melee to be more flexible and not get interrupted as easily
- Bots will no longer sneak during enemy waves
- Added a delay when using Biotracker
- Added more chatter
- Graphics
- Improved performance by reducing the CPU Culling Workload setting
- Added Advanced Graphic Setting “Shadow Updates Per Frame”
- Added Graphic Setting “Shadow Quality”
- Added Graphic Setting “Fog Quality”
- Changed SSAO to Low/Medium/High
- Updated the light in the elevator drop cage
- Updated shell casings to more realistic sizes
- Machine Pistol
- Sawed-off Shotgun
- Burst Rifle
- Scattergun
- HEL Gun
- Auto Sentry
- High Caliber Pistol
- Precision Rifle
- HEL Shotgun
- Shotgun Sentry
- Slightly increased range
- Slightly increased damage
- Slightly increased range
- Slightly reduced recoil
- Increased body shot damage
- Reduced precision multiplier
- Significantly reduced ammo capacity
Heavy Assault Rifle
- Significantly increased recoil
Choke Mod Shotgun
- Slightly increased ammo capacity
- Increased damage
- Reduced recoil
- Slightly lowered range
- Slightly increased damage
- Increased magazine size
Shotgun Sentry
- Significantly reduced fire delay
- Increased scan speed
- Added Biotracker Symbiosis – More ammo efficient and faster detection for biotracked targets
Sniper Sentry
- Increased rotation speed
- Added Biotracker Symbiosis
- Fixed bug where CFoam usage is inconsistent between host and client
- Fixed bug where booster effect was not being applied if you placed a sentry then picked it back up again
- Fixed bug where mines won’t damage a client unless the client is crouching or jumping
- Fixed bug where overhead Player Info would show ammo info for equipment that has infinite ammo
- Fixed bug where if you damaged a door yourself, an incorrect voiceline would play
- Fixed bug where an invalidate SNet Replicator Key would cause unintended effects
- Fixed bug where standing close behind a sentry leads to shot trajectory distortion
- Fixed bug where an exploding mine at an already destroyed door would play the breaking animation again
- Fixed bug where downed players would get revived when teleported between dimensions
- Fixed bug where the door flaps on the large security doors would go to a closed state when the door is opened
- Fixed bug where the status on the Security Doors didn’t update
- Fixed bug where the Mine Deployer could blink while still attached to the clients’ backpack
- Fixed bug where the Health Bar could show as yellow and not reset correctly when starting a new expedition
- Fixed bug where you could interrupt burst firing weapons
- Fixed bug where consumables sometimes could not be picked up after swapping them
- Fixed bug where the animation for inserting the Matter Wave Projector didn’t always show
- Fixed bug where Player Bots were unable to revive players if they went down on top of some objects
- Fixed bug where an Objective item could become inaccessible if the player that was holding it left the game before a checkpoint was used. Now the Objective item will relocate to the hosts feet.
- Fixed bug where players would stop hearing all audio sounds
- Fixed bug where doors can be invisible after restoring from Checkpoint
- Fixed bug where Host will see a friendly fire marker when a Bot shoots a client
- Fixed bug where closing doors between host and enemy disables combat state
- Fixed bug where Player bots are unable to pickup items another bot swapped into the boxes/lockers
- Fixed bug where Objective items could be dropped at non-traversable locations
- Fixed bug where Player Bots would move between multiple scans before finishing the one in-progress
- Fixed bug where the incorrect Objective shadow would show in the Cargo Drop Cage
- Fixed bug where Terminal passwords would not be reseeded after checkpoint
- Fixed bug where running and triggering a scout then standing still sometimes didn’t immediately trigger the tendrils
- Fixed bug where the Spitters could stop working for clients after Checkpoint
- Fixed bug where Player Bots would thank themselves for giving themselves resources. Thank you.
- Fixed bug where 3rd person animation for picking up Heavy Objects was incorrect
- Fixed bug where lock melters would not be removed from the Player Bot backpack after it runs out of uses.
- Fixed bug where Player Bots would get stuck trying to give itself ammo for inventory item it does not have
- Fixed bug where the In-Expedition subtitles disappeared after a language change
- Fixed bug where expedition items could be invisible for drop-in clients before being picked up
- Fixed bug where Player Bots sometimes wouldn’t have a Melee weapon in their backpack
- Fixed bug where Player Bots would oscillate in narrow spaces, like bioscans
- Fixed bug where initial player ammo could be negative
- Fixed bug where the map would not reset after checkpoint reload
- Fixed bug where enemies could push other enemies around
- Fixed bug where single use mines did not show the placement indicator
- Fixed bug where a Disinfection Pack could still be used at 0%
- Fixed bug where Door texts were not showing on the map
- Fixed bug where Broken Doors were not indicating on the map
- Fixed bug where Level Geomorphs would not rotate during Level Generation
- Fixed bug where Clouds would be shaky when moving the camera
- Fixed bug where the intro menu cognitive scan effect was not playing
- Fixed bug where enemies would only decompose if you are looking at them
- Fixed bug where the liquid screen effect wasn’t rendering
- Fixed bug where Enemy Population heat didn’t reset between expeditions
- Fixed bug where Expedition Popup didn’t have consistent positioning
- Fixed bug where the text on the Hacking Tool was incorrectly located
- Fixed bug where fog was not synced for players joining in progress
- Fixed bug where expedition clock was incorrect for players joining in progress
- Fixed various Level Design related bugs
- Fixed various Checkpoint related bugs
- Fixed various Exceptions
Download free GTFO patch 7.0 on PC (Steam).
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