FPS Chess Update 1.0.20 Patch Notes – August 29, 2022


A new FPS Chess update 1.0.20 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official FPS Chess patch notes, the latest update addressed various issues and added some balancing changes to the game.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s FPS Chess patch 1.0.20 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

FPS Chess Patch Notes – August 29, 2022

Patch Notes

  • Fixed issue where pieces could still die after a winner was declared (such as being killed by the train).
  • Players that lost control of their cameras can now regain it by clicking. We are looking into a real fix for this.
  • It is now harder to clip out of bounds.
  • Fixed “enemy player left” notification bugs.
  • Fixed most of the issues that occur when skipping the kill-cam.

Game Balancing

  • Pawn ally can no longer headshot the opposing player.
  • Knights now have a very small delay before an arrow can be released. This should additionally help prevent against autoclicker abuse.

Upcoming Updates

  • Fixes for the Bishop’s glide acting odd in certain cases.
  • Fix for a rare softlock where the game thinks it is the other person’s turn for both players.
  • A fix for the loss of camera control (again, you can now click on the screen to regain control of the camera if this happens now).

Download FPS Chess patch 1.0.20 on PC (Steam).

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