Fishing North Atlantic update 63 (Nov 19, 2021) is now available to download on PC. According to the official Fishing North Atlantic patch notes, the latest update adjusted the deepline depth probabilities, so you should get more than one if its deeper than 80m and wait a bit longer before you pick up the deepline.
Previously, a major update added various quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing issues since the last major patch.
Today’s Fishing North Atlantic patch will address a few of these errors. Read more details below.
Fishing North Atlantic Patch Notes – December 3, 2021
- Adjusted deepline depth probabilities
- Fixed map east of Ingalls Head
- Fixed issue with DLC not being accessible when offline
- Potential fix for issue with boat could start flying when fast travel to Digby
Scallops DLC
- Fixed a rare crash when using scallop mechanic
Download free Fishing North Atlantic update 63 for PC.
#Fishing #North #Atlantic #Update #Patch #Notes