Factorio update 1.1.78 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Factorio patch notes, the latest update adds various bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a major update 1.1.75 added various fixes for crashes and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s Factorio patch 1.1.78 will address a few of these errors.

Read more details below.

Factorio Update Patch Notes – March 20, 2023

Minor Features

  • In the blueprint preview window, deselecting all train fuel items disables the ‘Train fuel’ option. (This was already the case for modules.


  • On macOS, when AZERTY keyboard layout is used, the shortcut for Undo will default to Cmd + Z instead of Cmd + W.


  • Fixed loader would ignore ElectricEnergySourcePrototype::buffer_capacity.
  • Fixed rotating a loader would not update heat connections if it has any.
  • Fixed migrating loader energy sources between types could fail to update energy source buffer size.
  • Fixed migrating inserter energy source between types could fail to update energy source buffer size.
  • Fixed migrating pump energy source between types could fail to update energy source buffer size.
  • Fixed migrating radar energy source between types could fail to update energy source buffer size.
  • Fixed migrating reactor energy source between types could fail to update energy source buffer size.
  • Fixed double sound when transferring crafting materials from cursor stack into crafting machine or when taking items from the result slot.
  • Fixed a desync related to fluid energy source energy extraction when floating point rounding errors are involved.
  • Fixed a bad error message when registering custom hotkey events with filters.
  • Fixed that color mod settings wouldn’t migrate to the default value.
  • Fixed that escape did not work to close the user-login GUI.
  • Fixed that the CustomGuiElement “switch” type would fire the click event twice.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to watching replays.
  • Fixed consistency issue related to building loader ghosts over existing loader ghosts.
  • Fixed spilling items would fail to spread items when surface had width or height set to more than 2^31.
  • Fixed an AI Pathfinder desync when changing goal_pressure_ratio while the pathfinder was running.
  • Fixed land mine was not colliding with rail signals.
  • Fixed a crash when disconnecting and reconnecting a display on Wayland
  • Fixed inconsistent clipboard behavior on Wayland
  • Fixed that disabling permissions to move didn’t work correctly in some cases
  • Fixed furnace would stop crafting when recipe could not be deduced from ingredients and technology effects were being reset.
  • Fixed a crash related to script creation of entities.
  • Fixed module and fuel entries disappearing from blueprint preview when selectively disabled, instead of showing up with count 0.
  • Fixed automatic targeting with spidertrons did not work if all ammo slots were not filled.
  • Fixed technology title not updating when technology was researched.
  • Fixed horizontal lines ending up too short when close to line-wrapping labels
  • Fixed a crash related to migrating spider vehicle guns.
  • Fixed loader ghosts would connect to transport belts even when they had different forces.
  • Fixed a crash when moving blueprint book to blueprint library when there is also another book that will get under the cursor and tooltips are showing.
  • Fixed that “item-with-inventory” would allow setting inventory_size to “dynamic”.
  • Fixed balance of several audio files.
  • Fixed InserterPrototype would accept too large stack size bonuses.

Download free Factorio update 1.1.78 for PC(Steam).

#Factorio #Update #Patch #Notes