Elite Dangerous update 1.70 (Horizons Update) is available on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Elite Dangerous 1.70 patch notes, the latest hotfix added some minor tweaks to the game. Apart from this, today’s Elite Dangerous version 1.70 also includes stability improvements.
Previously, a major update was released with new changes and quality of life improvements. Recently, a hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues. Today’s Elite Dangerous patch 1.70 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Elite Dangerous Console Update 1.70 Patch Notes – November 29, 2022
The Console Copy Program has been temporarily suspended with the release of Update 14 and will return again in 2023.
The console players have the option to clone their Commander profiles for use on PC without needing to re-purchase the game. The introduction of Legacy Mode is going to affect what data can be copied. For this reason, the process will be temporarily suspended with the release of Update 14. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to use the process, it will be reintroduced in Q1 next year.
The version of the process that we reintroduce will not be as comprehensive as before and will only copy the most essential profile data related to player progression. For this reason, we strongly encourage anyone considering copying their profile to do so before Update 14.
Download free Elite Dangerous version 1.70 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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