Dirt 5 update 6.02 (6.002.000) is now available for download on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and PC. According to Dirt 5 version 6.02 patch notes, the latest update Dirt 5 ‘Tricks N Treats’ Playgrounds update added a ghoulish set of items to design your darkest racing arenas with. Apart from this, Dirt 5 patch 6.02 (6.002) also includes optimizations and improvements, including a major environment lighting update.
Previously, a big update expands DIRT 5’s car roster, Career experience, and adds another two tracks.
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Dirt 5 version 6.02 will fix a few of these issues.
Dirt 5 Patch Notes 6.02 – Sep 30, 2021
Tricks N Treats: New DIRT 5 Halloween Content
- ‘Tricks N Treats’ Halloween Playgrounds pack: Free Playgrounds item set of Halloween-themed objects for use in Gate Crasher, Smash Attack, and Gymkhana. Available from October 1, 2021.
We couldn’t wait to get into the Halloween spirit this year! Taking inspiration from all your favourite spooky scenes, classic horror setups, and gothic Victorian architecture, the Tricks N Treats pack is a bonus drop of free items for all Playgrounds users to design some truly devilish arenas.
Make use of new start gates, finish gates, and checkpoints with flickering flames and sinister signage. Steer clear of the ominous haunted house, mysteriously glowing in green whenever night falls. Face your fears and speed through the wicker sculpture. Add more spooky stylings to your Playground with decorative delights like bell towers, pumpkins, wells, gargoyles, and more.
Make sure to use our recently-added weather options for Playgrounds, like fog and rain, to make your arenas even more atmospheric. Don’t forget: Even if you’re not into creating Playgrounds, head to Discover to race on player-made maps using the new items… if you dare!
This new content will automatically be added to DIRT 5 on October 1. No additional purchase or download is required.
- New tweaks to general light, shade, and reflections will be noticeable across every location and scenario, particularly in night-time events, leading to more realistic and natural lighting
- Steam: Fixed issue causing online cross-platform matchmaking to not work on Steam
- Xbox One: Fixed issue causing audio distortion in rare occurrences
- PS5: Resolved issue of audio cutting out when the game is started with a racing wheel connected
- Xbox: Resolved instances of crashes when users sign out of their profile
- Fixed instances of crashes when viewing a player card and playing offline
- Career objectives will now be shown in the post-race rewards menus appropriately
- PC: When using Fanatec pedals connected directly to the PC, the pedals will now be detected and usable
- Fixed issue causing a player’s Playgrounds Weekly Challenge position to not show if they do not have rewards available
Download free Dirt 5 update 6.02 for PS4 and Xbox One.