Destiny 2 patch details released for PS4, PC, PS5, Xbox One, and PC players. According to the official Destiny 2 update patch notes, the latest hotfix added some minor tweaks and fixes. Apart from this, today’s Destiny 2 patch also includes stability improvements.

Previously, Destiny 2 update added quality of life improvements and fixes. Recently, hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, some players are still facing several issues with the game. Today’s Destiny 2 version will fix a few of these issues.

Related: Destiny 2 servers are down for maintenance. Check the Destiny 2 server status here.

Destiny 2 Version Patch Notes – November 8, 2022

Addressed the following issues.

  • The “All Pages Manifested” message appears for all players upon entering a Haunted Lost Sector. This message is not accurate and should only appear upon completion of a Haunted Lost Sector. Players are not losing any Pages when this message appears.
  • Certain shaders may apply textures incorrectly to pieces of the Festival of the Lost mech-themed armor sets. Once resolved, these shaders may display differently on the armor sets.
  • A Season 16 emblem dropped from WeekS10’s Intended Authority Seasonal Challenge.
  • The source of the Retrograde Tourer Exotic ship is inaccurate.
  • Eva Levante’s weekly bounties were not granting the correct amount of Bright Dust after Hotfix went live. This has been corrected and those who missed the extra Bright Dust will receive it in-game at a later date.

Download free Destiny 2 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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