Conqueror’s Blade Update Patch Notes – (May 11, 2022)


Conqueror’s Blade May 11 update is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Conqueror’s Blade patch notes, the latest update added various balancing, bug fixes and tweaks.

Previously, a major update added the Thanksgiving event and the Reckless Demons event to the game.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s Conquerors Blade patch will address a few of these errors.

Conquerors Blade Update Today? – May 11, 2022


  • Tenant Farmers: Health increased by 151.
  • Spear Militia: Piercing Armor Penetration increased by 41; Piercing Damage increased by 32.
  • Sword Militia: Health increased by 109.
  • Ironcap Bowriders: Piercing Damage increased by 36.
  • Rattan Roundshields: Blunt Defense increased by 44.
  • Coutiliers: Piercing Armor Penetration increased by 59.
  • Fenrir’s Pack: Slashing Armor Penetration increased by 40.
  • Demesne Arquebusiers: Piercing Damage increased by 30.
  • Black Dragon Spearmen: Piercing Damage increased by 31.
  • Selemchid Cavalry: Piercing Damage increased by 45.
  • Dagger-Axe Lancers: Blunt Defense increased 41.
  • Imperial Arquebusiers: Piercing Damage increased by 48.
  • Yeomen Lancers: Piercing Damage increased by 24.
  • Rattan Rangers: Piercing Armor Penetration increased by 59.
  • Winged Hussars: Piercing Damage increased by 38.


  • Now CBL levels and Practice Field (create thru Sheriff) no longer set time limit to sharing artillery with teammates (was 60 sec).
  • Improved visual effects on some interfaces and texts.
  • Improved the UI of Dragons’ Leap (Nodachi) when charging up.
  • Adjusted some skill descriptions of Nodachi.
  • Adjusted the item placement in the defender’s Respawn Point of Dasuo Fort and narrowed the passable area.
  • Narrowed the damage hitbox caused by the destruction of walls in Wall Fort to make it consistent with the visual effect.
  • Improved the display of grouped teammates on the mini-map (in battle) and TAB map.
  • Improved the display of Fief Quests on the Overview page. Now only the members from the House that claimed the Fief can see Extra House Territory Rewards.
  • Reset the limit for Rebel Camps in Open World, which only requires one player.
  • Now Cross-region Migration Token cannot be used while you’re grouped.
  • Fixed the incorrect tips of the necessary Unit Kit when building Demesne Javelineers.
  • Improved the performance of Barracks and Open World of Unit page, and in-battle Mini-map.


  • Improved the experience of [Hero’s Path]. Now warlords can preview the quests and rewards of unlocked chapters.
  • Fixed the issue that had incorrect info of completion conditions or text descriptions of some quests in [Hero’s Path].
  • Slightly lowered the rewards of some main quests.

Download free Conqueror’s Blade update for PC (Steam).

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