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Bloons TD Battles 2 update 1.5.1 is available to download on PC, iOS, Android & Steam. According to the official Bloons TD Battles 2 patch notes, the latest update brings various gameplay changes and improvements. Apart from this, the BTD Battles 2 update 1.5.1 includes stability fixes.
Previously, a major update added a new event (Speed Battles and Play with Fire), and Bling Season 6. Unfortunately, players are still facing some issues with the game. Today’s BTD Battles 2 patch 1.5.1 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
What is new in BTD Battles 2 Patch Notes 1.5.1? – September 5, 2022
General Changes
- Daily freebie now shows what reward it will give before being claimed.
- Related to the above change, the randomization algorithm has been updated. This may lead to past Daily Rewards showing as different to what was actually claimed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed matches that have not finished when the season ends counting towards the leaderboard. Matches will only count if they have reached a conclusion before the season ends.
- Fixed display issue of medals covering player names.
- Fixed Ezili and Smudge Catt’s Sacrificial Totem/Scratching post using incorrect name and image.
- Fixed issue where towers would charge twice for an upgrade if upgraded too quickly. (Thanks Alukian for helping us find this!)
- Fixed medals overlapping VIP badge on Hall of Masters leaderboard.
- Fixed Smudge Catt’s curse animation not looping.
- Fixed tutorial not resetting correctly if player loses to Gwen.
- Fixed damage over time effects (burny stuff, ezili’s curse, etc) not reapplying correctly.
- Fixed Hero Rewards list not scrolling all the way to the bottom.
- Fixed Ezili’s curse visual effects clipping with some MOAB skins.
- Fixed round 1 not starting correctly if experiencing extremely low frame rate.
- Fixed Ezili’s totem drawing under the floor of some maps.
- Fixed heroes not shouting warnings for some MOAB types.
- Fixed Engineer’s pins being removed from bloons when they are affected by a bloon boost.
- Fixed avatars displaying in low resolution on some devices.
- Fixed Ezili’s portraits not matching her upgrade level.
- Fixed tower portraits drawing too large on the in game hud.
- Fixed display issues in Hall of Masters leaderboard.
- Fixed Churchill’s cannon losing all pierce when hitting a purple bloon.
- Fixed 3D projectiles sometimes turning invisible after a disconnect.
Download free BTDB2 update 1.5.1 on PC (Steam).
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