Astroneer PS4 update 1.37 is now available for download. According to the official Astroneer 1.37 patch notes, the latest update added a new Project CHEER Delivery event to the game. Apart from this, Astroneer version 1.37 also includes stability improvements.
Previously, a big Automation update 2 added new switches, new platforms, updated modules, and more. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues.
Today’s Astroneer version 1.37 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.
What is new in Astroneer 1.37?
Project CHEER Delivery Event
EXO Dynamics is once again requesting the help of Astroneers for a holiday toy drive! Retrieve scattered toys from errant shipping containers or print your own for delivery via the EXO Request Platform module.
Container crash sites have been reported on Sylva, Desolo, Calidor, and Glacio with numerous toys scattered about. Industrious Astroneers can create fresh toys via the Small Printer using Scrap and other resources.
Some unique containers have been spotted on Sylva, Desolo, and Calidor which weren’t included on known shipping manifests. Weird.
Packaged toys are worth different point amounts when shipped:
- 20 Points – Automaton 001s & 002s
- 35 Points – Cubic Objects
- 50 Points – Stellar Objects
- 75 Points – Cosmic Baubles
- 125 Points – Astral Figurines
EXO Dynamics rewards packages received with:
- Palette: “Tinsel Town”
- Hat: “Festive Chapbow”
- Visor: “Baublehead”
- 3500 Points – Hat: ”Boreal Beanie”
- 6500 Points – Mask: ”Pudding Warmer”
- Also, like in previous years, all package points will go towards unlocking a global total that will grant everyone in the community a FEZHANT hat! We will be tracking progress via social media so when you complete the event, you can continue sending rewards to help make sure the gift gets unlocked for everyone!
EXO supplies useful items and resources along the way to boost your recovery or production efforts. Randomized recurring rewards are available after completing the main event including: **
- Resin, Clay, Graphite
- Packagers & Dynamite
- Copper, Iron, Titanium, Tungsten
- Small Power Items
- Hydrazine & Jet Packs
- EXO Chips
- Nanocarbon Alloy
EXO Outfitters – New Items Available Now!
New Limited Time Bundle – ICE! Warm-up this winter with a cool new look!
- Winter Courtier Hat
- Chill Out Palette
- Snowglobe Visor
New Hats
- Astrodome
- Fascinating
- Jacked In
New Mask
New Palettes
The following are known issues as of version
- [AS-14672] The “Stuffed Storage” mission objective incorrectly refers to “Medium Canister Storage” instead of “Medium Resource Canister”
- [AS-17082] The “Misplaced” Cargo object’s description isn’t localized for every language
The following bugs have been fixed as of version
- [AS-16839] Fixed an issue that was occurring on Dedicated Servers where movement and duration of the jump jet boost was not behaving as expected
- [AS-15719] Fixed an issue where the description for the “Through the Looking Glass” mission was not properly localized in several languages
- [AS-15017] Fixed a bug that could sometimes occur in older saves where an EXO Request Platform would call down the incorrect rocket model
- [AS-16672] Slotted seeds should no longer have their despawn timers triggered when terrain is deformed near them
- [AS-16698] Items slotted on the terrain tool should no longer get activated by the proximity repeater
Download free Astroneer update 1.37 on PlayStation 4.
#Astroneer #Update #Patch #Notes #Official