Apex update 1.000.026 patch notes details released for PS5 and Xbox players. According to the official Apex patch notes, the latest update resolves Lifetime K/DR stat issue. Apart from this, today’s Apex version 1.000.026 also includes various other fixes and changes.
Previously, a major Apex season 15 update added a new Legend (Vantage) and a long list of changes and fixes. Recently, a hotfix update 2.10 was also released. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Apex version 1.000.026 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Apex 1.26 Patch Notes – November 30, 2022
- Resolved Lifetime K/DR stat appearing incorrectly for some players.
- Catalyst’s KO shield will now work when downed while casting her Ultimate.
- While in Phase, Wraith will now see doors sealed by Catalyst’s passive.
- While in Phase, Wraith will not be affected by Catalyst’s ferrofluid.
- Crypto’s drone will no longer be able to open doors sealed by Catalyst’s passive.
- Resolved certain challenges which gave the incorrect reward amount.
- Removed invisible collision that blocked ordnance and abilities in Promenade.
- Numerous map fixes throughout Broken Moon to remove hiding spots and improve collision.
- Guns no longer float during Season 15 emotes.
- Legends will now appear properly sized on the Legend Select menu when returning to lobby in certain scenarios.
Download free Apex update 1.000.026 on Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and PC.
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