Apex Legends update 1.000.011 is available to download on PS5 and Xbox Series XOne. According to the official Apex Legends patch notes, the latest update brings various tweaks, changes and fixes. Apart from this, today’s Apex Legends version 1.000.011 also includes stability fixes.
Previously, a significant update added a new legend, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Apex patch 1.000.011 will fix a few of these issues.
- What is new and fixed in Apex Legends Update 1.000.011 (2.97)?
The latest update addressed an issue where some players are reporting echo-y/strange audio unless Console audio is set to “Stereo Uncompressed”. The patch also fixed a bug in Xbox where some headsets not picking up the player’s mic.
Addressed improper Ranked rewards – The correct dive trails, holospreays, gun charms, and badges will start rolling out to players throughout the day.
IMC Armories: Addressed exploits related to clipping through the roof, a mantling bug after teleporting in, and various script errors.
Fixed the occasional server-wide thud sound related to Newcastle’s ultimate.
Resolved next-gen Xbox audio distortion.
Various script errors
Apart from this, the latest patch also fixed an issue where players Predator Ranks got incorrect rewards. A bug where Loba’s tactical fails on certain Storm Point terrain. This is now fixed.
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